Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

194: The Whole Place Fell Into Silence

In a course on Latin music, Qi Lin and Zhang Man organized a lively salsa dance event. The students wore bright costumes and moved their bodies to an engaging rhythm. They felt the infinite charm of music and dance, forgetting that they were students, and seemed to be in a carnival party.

At the same time, Qi Lin and Zhang Man also encouraged students to express their creativity freely. They organized a song-writing competition, in which students divided into groups and wrote their own lyrics and melodies inspired by their favorite music styles. In this process, some students who are usually taciturn also showed amazing talents and enthusiasm.

Under the careful instruction of Qi Lin and Zhang Man, the students not only learned music, but also gained a wealth of knowledge. Through music, they learned about the history, culture and geography of different countries. They use their songs to convey messages about environmental protection, friendship and mutual assistance and other social values.

Li Erwen had no interest in music at first, but as time went by, he gradually fell in love with music. He found that he could express his inner emotions through music and found a way to truly relax and enjoy himself. He started participating in choirs and showed his talents in music competitions. Li Erwen's progress makes Qi Lin and Zhang Man very proud, and they know that their efforts have not been in vain.

As the school year came to an end, Qi Lin and Zhang Man decided to hold a music festival for the students to showcase their achievements in music learning. On the night of the performance, the entire auditorium was decorated dazzlingly. Parents and other teachers and students of the school also came to watch this event.

The students wore well-designed costumes and everyone stood confidently on the stage. They used various musical instruments and singing to play moving pieces, expressing their love for music and their gain in knowledge.

When Li Erwen stood in the center of the stage and played the piano music he composed, the whole place fell into silence. His musical melodies are full of emotion and make everyone moved. His performance is the crystallization of his confidence and hard work, and is also a testimony of the joint efforts of the students under the guidance of Qi Lin and Zhang Man.

After the music ceremony, students and parents expressed their gratitude to Qi Lin and Zhang Man. They deeply felt the fun and value of learning knowledge through music, and also realized the power of teamwork. Qi Lin and Zhang Man understand that while they are realizing their dreams, they are also helping students discover and develop their talents and passions.

…Please give me flowers…


After a school year of hard work and exploration, Qi Lin and Zhang Man have become indispensable mentors and friends in the hearts of students. They used music to ignite the inner spark of the students and awaken their thirst for knowledge.

At the beginning of the new school year, Qi Lin and Zhang Man continue to bring new adventures and challenges to the students. They will focus on students' individual interests and potential, and strive to discover each student's unique musical talent.

They plan to form a school orchestra, invite students to participate in playing various instruments, and cultivate their collaborative spirit and leadership skills in the team. In addition, they also plan to hold music workshops and competitions, inviting professional musicians to the school to interact with students and inspire them to have a deeper understanding of music.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man believe that music is not only an art form, but also an important way to cultivate students' all-round development. Through entertaining and entertaining methods, they will continue to open the door to knowledge for students and lead them to explore, grow and create in music. .

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