Before class every day, they always discuss how to design more interesting teaching content in the office.

One day, Qi Lin walked into Zhang Man's office holding a color map.

Qi Lin: "Hey, Zhang Man, I just thought of an interesting activity. Have you heard of geographical exploration?

Zhang Man: “Geographic adventure? Sounds interesting! Tell me more details about “800”.

Qi Lin excitedly began to explain his thoughts. "We can divide the class into several groups, each group represents a country or region, and conduct a virtual geographical adventure in this country or region. They need to collect geographical knowledge by answering questions, finding clues, etc., and finally unlock a puzzle . Throughout the process, they will not only learn geographical information about different countries and regions, but also develop teamwork and problem-solving skills."

Zhang Man nodded in agreement: "This is a great idea! We can use projectors in the classroom to display virtual geographical adventure scenes, and provide some props and clues to help students solve problems. In this way, students can actively participate , and can learn knowledge effectively.

The next day, Qi Lin and Zhang Man happily prepared for geographical exploration activities. They divided the class into groups, each representing a country or region. Qi Lin was responsible for designing a series of interesting and challenging questions, each related to a specific country or region.

Qi Lin: “The first level is about the Amazon rainforest. Students need to answer some questions about the biodiversity, climate and terrain of the area. Only by answering correctly can they get the next clue and enter the next level.

Zhang Man: "That is really an interesting and challenging question! I have prepared some props, such as insect specimens, models, etc., to allow students to understand the characteristics of the Amazon rainforest more intuitively."

Qi Lin and Zhang Man welcomed the arrival of the students, who participated in this geographical adventure with curiosity and excitement. The students were divided into groups and began to look for clues and answer questions in the virtual scene.

Throughout the entire expedition, Qi Lin and Zhang Man continued to guide and encourage the students to think and cooperate. They also provided additional support to ensure that each group could solve the problem and move forward...

Qi Lin: "Did you see that mountain range? Do you know which country it is part of?"

Student 1: "Hmm... It seems to be the Andes Mountains in South America!

Qi Lin: "Great! You can continue to explore forward."

Zhang Man: "In the next level, you need to find the capital of a country on the African continent. This country is famous for its wildlife reserves and also has the highest free-fall skydiving spot in the world. Start looking for clues now!"

Student 2: "I know! That must be Tanzania, and the capital is Dar es Salaam!"

Qi Lin: "Awesome, you found the correct answer! Keep going and unlock the next puzzle in 5.5!"

In this way, the geographical adventure activities continue [students continue to accumulate geographical knowledge in an entertaining and educational atmosphere. During their expeditions, they learned about important geographical features, cultural and environmental issues around the world.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man always pay attention to the progress of each group. They have conversations with the students and stimulate their thinking and discussion. .

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