First, Qi Lin and Zhang Man organized a "Geographical Challenge" game. They divided students into groups, each group representing an area of ​​the island. Students need to answer a variety of geographical knowledge questions, each question is related to the environment and resources of the island. Through this game, students not only consolidate the knowledge they learned in class, but also cultivate a sense of cooperation and competition.

Next, Qi Lin and Zhang Man led the students on an outdoor field trip. They took the students to a nearby nature reserve to observe vegetation and wildlife. Students use telescopes, cameras and specimen collectors to record everything they see. Qi Lin and Zhang Man guided the students to think about the impact of human activities on the natural environment and discussed how to protect the ecosystem.

Next, in a geography class, Qi Lin and Zhang Man prepared an activity to simulate an earthquake in order to teach students about the movement of the earth's plates. They pushed the table aside, distributed a small wooden board to each student as an "earth shell", and then asked the students to collide, slide and push each other on the table to simulate the movement of the earth's plates. Through personal experience, students more intuitively understood the causes and effects of earthquakes.

Subsequently, Qi Lin and Zhang Man organized a virtual travel event. They used modern technology to open a panoramic virtual reality in the classroom. Students wear VR glasses and feel as if they are in famous geographical attractions around the world, such as the Grand Canyon, the Pyramids, the Great Wall, etc. They not only enjoyed the beautiful scenery, but also learned the geographical features and cultural stories behind these places. This kind of interactive experience stimulates students' curiosity and desire to explore geography.

In addition to in-class activities, Qi Lin and Zhang Man also organized an outdoor field trip. They led the students to local beaches and launched an investigation and study of the coastal ecological environment. Students divided into groups to use microscopes to observe plankton in seawater, collect and analyze samples on the beach, and explore the biodiversity of the intertidal zone. Through personal participation in practice, students have a deeper understanding of the importance of marine ecosystems and understand their responsibilities as geographical guardians.

During this dynamic teaching process, Qi Lin and Zhang Man always maintained close interaction with the students. They patiently listen to students' questions and opinions and stimulate students' thinking ability and creativity. Every class is full of laughter and a positive learning atmosphere.

In the end, after a semester of careful teaching and interactive experience, the students not only mastered a wealth of geographical knowledge, but also developed a love and concern for the earth. They understand the importance of geography to humankind’s relationship with the environment and to sustainable development. Qi Lin and Zhang Man are deeply gratified. They believe that these students will become the guardians of geography in the future and contribute to building a better world.

The summer sun shines in through the classroom windows and reflects on the blackboard, making the classroom bright and warm. Qi Lin and Zhang Man were sitting on stools in front of the podium, seriously discussing how to let students better master knowledge through entertaining and entertaining methods. .

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