"Qi Lin, how can we make students more interested in physical education classes?" Zhang Man asked with a frown.

Qi Lin thought for a moment, then said with a smile: "I have an idea. We can design some interesting games for students to learn while playing.

"Sounds good." Zhang Man nodded, "For example, we can organize a mini-marathon to allow students to participate, and at the same time guide them to understand the skills and training methods of long-distance running.

"Yes, we can also set up a reward mechanism to stimulate students' competitive psychology." Qi Lin added, "In addition, we can also invite professional athletes to give lectures on campus so that students can feel the charm of sports first-hand."

The two of them exchanged their thoughts with each other, and before they knew it, an hour had passed. Finally, Qi Lin said excitedly: "Let's give it a try! We will start planning these activities at 530 tomorrow."

The next day, a group of excited students gathered on the school playground. Wearing sportswear, they are waiting for the marathon to start.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man stood next to the starting line, explaining the rules of the competition. "(acej) Hello everyone, welcome to our mini marathon! This competition is for everyone to experience the fun of long-distance running and learn some basic skills at the same time. Remember, the focus is on participation, not results. Everyone will get a copy Participation prize, so everyone just relax and enjoy the process!”

After listening to Qi Lin's words, the students nodded to express their understanding. After the game started, they ran excitedly. Qi Lin and Zhang Man stood on the roadside encouraging them and giving them some guidance from time to time. The whole playground was filled with laughter and laughter, and every student released his energy to the fullest.

In the next few weeks, Qi Lin and Zhang Man used various interesting ways to educate and entertain. They organized swimming competitions, basketball games, archery competitions, etc. Each activity designed some small knowledge points to allow students to learn through play and stimulate their interest in sports.

In addition to the competition, they also invited a famous equestrian to come to campus to give a lecture. The athlete shared his experiences and stories with the students, allowing them to deeply feel the importance of perseverance, persistence and teamwork contained in sports.

As time goes by, the students' performance becomes increasingly outstanding. They not only learned knowledge in the entertaining physical education class, but also cultivated a healthy life attitude and teamwork spirit.

One day, the school held a large-scale sports festival to showcase the skills and achievements the students had learned in physical education classes. The playground is bustling with activity, and competitions in various sports are going on. The auditorium was full of parents and other students, looking forward to seeing their children's wonderful performances.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man stood on the podium and applauded the students. "Hello everyone! Welcome to our sports festival! Today we are going to show you the learning results in our physical education class." Qi Lin said with a smile.

Then, outstanding student representatives took turns on the stage to showcase their talents in different projects. Some students performed wonderful dances, showing flexible postures and coordinated movements; some students showed graceful swimming postures, showing their skills in the water; and some students showed accurate archery and strong physiques. The audience cheered and applauded these young athletes enthusiastically. .

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