On the last project, Qi Lin and Zhang Man also took the initiative to join in. They formed two basketball teams with the students and started a fierce and friendly competition. Regardless of winning or losing, they all embodied the spirit of teamwork and fair competition in the game.

After the sports festival, students and parents expressed their gratitude to Qilin and Zhang Man. "Thank you for bringing such a great physical education course to our children! Not only did they learn knowledge, but they also became more positive." A parent said excitedly.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man smiled deeply. "This is what we should do. We believe that every child has the potential to learn. We just need to provide them with an environment suitable for their development." Zhang Man said firmly.

After this period of hard work and practice, Qi Lin and Zhang Man's teaching methods have been widely recognized and praised. The school decided to apply their educational and entertaining concept to more courses, hoping to stimulate students' interest in knowledge and motivation to learn.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man are not satisfied with the status quo. They continue to explore and innovate and are committed to improving their educational standards. They participated in various educational training and learning activities and continuously enriched their teaching skills and knowledge reserves.

In addition to their teaching work in schools, Qi Lin and Zhang Man also actively participate in community sports activities, organizing voluntary training and sports exchanges.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man actively participate in community sports activities and organize voluntary training and sports exchanges. They hope to promote the concept of entertaining and entertaining to a wider range and bring happiness and knowledge to more children and adults.

In community sports activities, they met some like-minded educators and sports enthusiasts. They work together to organize various sports events and educational lectures to promote the overall development of the lifestyle of community residents.

At the same time, Qi Lin and Zhang Man began to try to introduce the concept of entertaining education into other subject areas and explore the possibility of interdisciplinary teaching. They collaborated with Chinese teachers, mathematics teachers, etc. to design some interesting learning activities to help students better understand and apply the knowledge they have learned.

As time goes by, Qi Lin and Zhang Man's influence gradually expands. Their teaching methods have become a model for school and community education, attracting more teachers' attention and learning. They are invited to various places for educational exchanges and lectures to share their experiences and insights.

0…Please give me flowers…………

For Qi Lin and Zhang Man, the greatest achievement is not only the progress students have made under their guidance, but also seeing more teachers and educators inspired to incorporate edutainment methods into their own teaching. They firmly believe that in this way, each student's potential can be stimulated, so that they can learn knowledge in happiness and cultivate all-round talents.

In the future, Qi Lin and Zhang Man will continue to work hard to explore and innovate teaching methods to bring better educational experience to students. They believe that as long as the concept of entertaining and entertaining is widely disseminated and applied, every child can enjoy the process of happy learning and gain real knowledge and growth.

The first class in the morning started. Qi Lin and Zhang Man walked into the classroom and found that the students were sitting a little frustrated. Qi Lin smiled and clapped his hands: "Students, today we are going to explore a fascinating field of mathematics - solid geometry! You can imagine that through three-dimensional graphics, we can build buildings, make games, and many more Any other interesting things?" The students showed curious expressions, and Qi Lin's words aroused their interest. .

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