Zhang Man continued: "Indeed, students. Solid geometry is not just some seemingly complex formulas, it contains very practical skills and applications. We can start with simple shapes and gradually explore in depth." She pointed to the blackboard Drawing of a cuboid: "This is a cuboid, how is it formed? Qilin, can you tell us?"

Qi Lin stood in front of the blackboard with a smile on his face: "Of course "three, five, three" is enough! Students, the cuboid is composed of six rectangular faces, each face is equal. It has eight vertices and twelve stripes. Side. We can think of it as a box, such as our common school bag or cake box." He took out a small box and demonstrated it to the students.

The students began to think with bright eyes. Qi Lin continued: "Now, let me ask you a question: If we paint one side of this cuboid red and the other side blue, then the colors of the remaining four sides should be What is it?" The students began to discuss, and some people suggested green, yellow, purple, etc.

Zhang Man walked among the students and said encouragingly: "Very well, students, this is a very interesting question. In fact, the correct answer is white. This is because in solid geometry, we usually use transparent materials to represent no The painted part, so what we see is white." She used ten transparent plastic pieces to show the students.

In the following class time, Qi Lin and Zhang Man cleverly connected mathematical knowledge with life, using vivid examples and games to trigger students' thinking. They use various teaching aids and interactive methods to let students experience the fun of mathematics first-hand.

The afternoon classes are more interesting. Qi Lin took out some colored slips of paper: "Students, now we are going to play a game called 'Building Plane Graphics'. You can choose different colored slips of paper and then piece together different graphics according to the given conditions." Student They started to work excitedly. They divided into groups to cooperate with each other and rushed to complete the task.

Zhang Man walked to each group and patiently guided the students how to piece together strips of paper to construct plane graphics. She encouraged them to think about different combinations and explained the graphical characteristics of each condition. The students enthusiastically tried to combine the strips of paper and exchanged their ideas and observations with each other...

When all groups completed their tasks, Qi Lin and Zhang Man asked the students to show their results. The classroom was filled with laughter and laughter, and everyone was amazed at the rich and diverse graphics created by each other. Qi Lin praised: "Students, you did a great job! Through this game, you not only deepened your understanding of plane graphics, but also cultivated teamwork and creativity.'

Next, Zhang Man raised a mathematical problem: "Students, now we are going to play a challenge game called 'Mathematical Rhapsody'. I will give you a series of mathematical problems and ask you to solve them within the specified time. Are you ready? ?" The students nodded to indicate they were ready.

In the tense and challenging games, Qi Lin and Zhang Man constantly stimulated students' thinking and guided them to use the knowledge they learned to solve problems. They provide patient guidance and encourage students to try boldly and learn from their mistakes.

The bell rang, and the students left the classroom unfinished. Their faces were filled with expressions of satisfaction and excitement. While they felt the fun of mathematics, they also mastered more knowledge. .

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