Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

211: Why We Need To Lay A Good Foundation

In the following days, Qi Lin and Zhang Man continued to teach mathematics in an entertaining and entertaining way. They organize mathematics competitions, design mathematics games, introduce case analysis, etc. to continuously stimulate students' interest and motivation in learning.

Over time, students' math scores improved significantly. They no longer regard mathematics as a boring subject, but are willing to take the initiative to think and explore. Qi Lin and Zhang Man feel sincerely proud and satisfied because they have used innovative teaching methods to change students' views on mathematics and help them develop mathematical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Math classes in this small town become full of energy and laughter. The teaching methods of Qi Lin and 03 Zhang Man have become a reference for other teachers. They also cooperate with teachers of other subjects to explore more interdisciplinary teaching methods.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man are a pair of calligraphy teachers. They know that students need a pleasant atmosphere during the learning process to better absorb knowledge. Therefore, they decided to use various interesting methods and dialogues to arouse students' interest and help them learn calligraphy.

On the first day, Qi Lin and Zhang Man welcomed a new group of students. They placed various calligraphy tools and beautiful copybooks in the classroom. Zhang Man smiled and said: "Hello everyone! I am Zhang Man, welcome to our calligraphy class. Today we will explore the mystery of calligraphy together. In order to let you learn better, we will teach through fun."

The students all showed expectant expressions after hearing the news. Qi Lin continued: "First of all, we will start with basic strokes. Please pick up the brush and start with me to practice basic strokes such as horizontal, vertical, left and right strokes."

The students picked up their brushes one after another and followed Qi Lin's demonstration. Qi Lin and Zhang Man cleverly designed some interesting practice games, such as drawing in the air with their fingers or writing on the sand table. These methods aroused the interest of students and they actively participated in them.

A student named Xiao Ming asked: "Teacher, why do you need to practice these basic strokes?"

Qi Lin patiently explained: "Xiao Ming, calligraphy is a form of art, and the basic strokes are like the skeleton of characters. Only by mastering the basics can we write beautiful fonts. Therefore, we need to start practicing from the most basic ones." , gradually improve your calligraphy level.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Zhang Man started teaching around different topics. Taking ancient literati as examples, they explained the history and tradition of calligraphy. At the same time, they invited a famous calligrapher to give lectures and provide on-the-spot guidance to the students.

In class, Qi Lin showed 240 fonts of different styles to the students, and asked the students to work in groups for a creative competition. Each group competed passionately, and they further improved their calligraphy skills through learning, communicating and working with each other.

Gradually, students developed a strong interest in calligraphy. Qi Lin and Zhang Shi laughed happily after seeing these ten points: "Our goal has been initially achieved!"

In order to further stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning, Qi Lin and Zhang Man decided to take the students to visit an art exhibition. In the exhibition, the students enjoyed many excellent calligraphy works and communicated with some famous calligraphers. .

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