The participating teams were composed of five students. After a series of selections, they finally selected the representative teams of the five classes. Qi Lin and Zhang Man carefully prepared a series of interesting activities to increase students' interest in the competition.

The first round of the competition was a rap challenge. Each team must write an English song and perform it on stage. Qi Lin and Zhang Man gave some guidance before the game started

Help students express their thoughts using English lyrics. Finally, in the cheerful music and exciting singing and dancing, the students showed the results of their hard work in English learning.

The second round is a situational dialogue session. Each team needs to role-play according to the given scenario and conduct conversations in English. Qi Lin and Zhang Man prepared some common scenarios in advance, such as shopping, traveling and asking for help. The students actively participated and communicated in fluent English, acting out real situations and demonstrating their creativity.

The third round is a quick question and answer game. Qi Lin and Zhang Man prepared some interesting and challenging questions that students need to answer as quickly as possible. This not only tests the students' English proficiency, but also cultivates their responsiveness and teamwork awareness.

In the final round of the competition, a debate was held between the teams. Each team sent two representatives to engage in a heated debate on a hot topic. Students express their opinions in English and try to convince each other. This link not only demonstrated the students' speaking skills, but also cultivated their thinking and debating skills.

After the whole game, Qi Lin and Zhang Man were very satisfied with the students' performance. They saw students using English with passion during competitions and making great progress in teamwork. At this moment, they are convinced that their educational philosophy is correct and effective.

In the next few days, students approached Qi Lin and Zhang Man one after another to express their gratitude for the competition. They feel more confident and full of enthusiasm and motivation for learning English. Qi Lin and Zhang Man decided to further capitalize on the students' interest in English and carry out a series of interesting classroom activities.

First, they organized a theatrical performance. The students were divided into groups, adapted scripts based on classic English stories, and performed them in front of the class. Qi Lin and Zhang Man guided the students to use their creativity and add their own ideas and talents. Each group carefully prepared costumes and props. They performed various roles and plots in fluent English and improved their English speaking and expression skills through drama.

0…Please give me flowers…

Next, Qi Lin and Zhang Man organized an English movie appreciation party. They selected some age-appropriate English movies, dubbed them with Chinese subtitles, and then invited students to watch them together. During the movie viewing process, Qi Lin and Zhang Man guided the students to pay attention to the plot, characters and dialogue, and encouraged them to discuss and share their opinions in English. This not only enhances students' listening comprehension skills, but also cultivates their understanding and appreciation of different cultures and stories.

In addition, Qi Lin and Zhang Man also organized an English fun game day. They have designed a series of interesting games, such as puzzle competitions, word Solitaire, puzzle challenges, etc. Students participate in groups and consolidate and expand their English vocabulary and grammar knowledge through game interaction. These activities not only exercise the students' English skills, but also enhance their sense of teamwork and competition. .

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