One day, Qi Lin and Zhang Man decided to bring a special chemistry show to the students so that they could show what they had learned on the stage. The whole school was enthusiastic about the show.

The day before the chemistry show, Qi Lin and Zhang Man led the students in an intense rehearsal. Each student has their own role and task, and they prepare carefully, hoping to perfectly present the chemistry knowledge they have learned.

Finally, the day of the performance arrived. The school auditorium was packed with seats, and all the teachers and students of the school gathered here, looking forward to watching the students' wonderful performances 04.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man stepped onto the stage as hosts and received warm applause. They smiled and said: "Dear audience, today we will bring you a unique chemistry show, let us witness the achievements of the students together!"

As the music played, the students took to the stage one after another to show off their talents. Some students conducted color change experiments, some students demonstrated flame color tests, and some students conducted chemical reaction demonstrations.

The audience watched every detail on the stage intently, and they were attracted by the students' carefully designed chemical experiments. Qi Lin and Zhang Man continued to explain the principles and steps of each experiment, allowing the audience to deepen their understanding of chemical knowledge.

The entire chemistry show was full of laughter and laughter, and the audience applauded the students' performance warmly. This show not only showcased the creativity and talent of the students [but more importantly, allowed them to truly appreciate the wonders of chemical knowledge in the process of entertaining and educating.

After the performance, the students left the stage with a sense of accomplishment. Qi Lin and Zhang Man looked at their backs and felt extremely pleased. They know that their efforts have not been in vain, and the students have gained not only knowledge, but also a love and pursuit of science from their teachings.

One day, they decided to give the students a lesson on Newton's third law. In order to let students understand better, they set up a small experiment.

Qi Lin took out two identical spring balls and placed them on the table. He asked: "Classmates, can you tell what Newton's third law is?" The students in the class shook their heads. Qi Lin smiled and said: "Then, let's start the experiment! Please pay attention and observe."

Zhang Man stood next to Qi Lin. She took a spring ball and pushed it to another spring ball on the table, and then the two spring balls bounced away. The students watched this process in amazement. Zhang Man explained with a smile: "Students, have you seen it? I pushed one spring ball hard, and then the other spring ball was pushed away. This is the embodiment of Newton's third law: the magnitude of the action force and the reaction force Equal, opposite directions.”

The students started discussing 397 excitedly. Qi Lin and Zhang Man encouraged them to exchange ideas with each other and guided them to think about more examples to deepen their understanding of Newton's third law.

In the next class, they taught Newton's second law by simulating the takeoff process of an airplane. Qi Lin took out a small toy airplane and asked Zhang Man to play the role of pilot. They asked students to form teams and simulate the forces on different parts.

Qi Lin held up a cardboard to simulate air resistance, and then asked a student to stand next to it and play the role of an engine. Zhang Man stood in front, playing the role of controlling the direction of the plane. The students participated enthusiastically and simulated the take-off process. .

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