Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

223: She Hid What I Did In The Nightclub

Qi Lin leads a joint action team composed of detectives from various countries, who work together to analyze clues, compile intelligence, and formulate action plans. Together they identified a key target - the warehouse in the abandoned industrial area.

The joint operations team carefully planned and decided to raid the warehouse one night. They have deployed surveillance equipment in advance to monitor the activities of the smuggling gang in real time.

When night fell, Qi Lin led the team members to quietly approach the warehouse, preparing to launch action. They used various technical means to bypass the security system set up by the gang and quickly entered the warehouse.

In the warehouse, they witnessed a smuggling gang conducting a large-scale transaction. Qi Lin worked closely with the team and quickly launched operations to subdue the smugglers one by one. After a fierce struggle, they finally captured the entire smuggling gang.

This successful operation set an example for multinational police to combat smuggling activities across 223 countries. Qi Lin and his team were commended and received praise from the international community.

After the case ended, Qi Lin returned to the office and sorted out the investigation notes and evidence during this period. He was deeply moved. There was a huge smuggling network hidden behind this case, and he was just one part of it.

He realized that to completely eliminate the smuggling problem, more extensive cooperation and efforts are needed. He decided to share the experience and lessons learned from this investigation with other police forces so that they can jointly enhance their ability to combat smuggling crimes.

In the days that followed, Qi Lin actively participated in meetings and training activities of international criminal cooperation organizations. He exchanged experiences with detectives from various countries, learned the latest investigative techniques and strategies, and prepared for future cases.

Qi Lin is an experienced detective who is good at analyzing clues and reading people's hearts. This time, he received a shocking murder case. The case took place in a luxurious villa, and the victim was a young and beautiful woman named Lillian.

Qi Lin arrived at the scene, surrounded by a large number of police and curious onlookers (afcd). He quickly began investigating, checking every corner of the room for any clues. Suddenly, he noticed a note left on the table. It read: "You will pay for your crimes!" This aroused Qi Lin's interest, and he understood that this note might be more than just a prank.

At this time, a police officer walked into the room and reported to Qi Lin: "Mr. Qi, we have found some evidence. According to the preliminary investigation, there are some problems between Lillian and her fiancé Alex. They are There was a heated argument at the dinner, but we have not been able to determine the cause."1

Qi Lin nodded, thinking about the importance of this information. He decided to find Alex first to see if he could get some useful clues from him. Soon after, Qi Lin came to Alex's office.

"Mr. Alex, I am Qi Lin, the detective responsible for investigating Lillian's case. I hope you can assist our investigation and provide some details about the quarrel between you.

Alex looked tired. He sighed and said: "Mr. Qi, there is indeed a problem between Lillian and I. In recent months, the relationship between us has become more and more tense. She often goes in and out of the house. She went to a nightclub called Temptation Night. Every time she came back, she had a cold attitude and hid from me what she was doing in the nightclub.

This information made Qi Lin feel a new breakthrough. He decided to go to "Night of Temptation" to investigate. When he walked into the nightclub, with flashing lights and loud music, "he couldn't help but marvel at the busyness and charm of the place.

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