He noticed a person who looked like a manager, so he walked over and asked: "Hello, can you tell me some information about Lillian? Does she have any special relationships or activities here?"

The manager replied: "Oh, you mean the beautiful Lillian? She is one of our most popular showgirls. She is famous for her cabaret performances, but lately she has become depressed and unsettled . She seems to be troubled by something, but I don’t know what it is."

Qi Lin felt more and more confused and decided to further investigate Lilian's activities in the nightclub. He found Lillian's acting partner, a young woman named Kate.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin, the detective responsible for investigating Lillian's case. I heard that you and she are acting partners. Can you tell me some more information about her~?"

After Kate hesitated for a moment, she looked at Qi Lin and said anxiously: "Lillian has become very mysterious recently. She often receives anonymous threatening letters, the contents of which are targeted at her personal life and career. She has been trying to protect herself, but this kind of The stress was causing her to become increasingly depressed. She didn't reveal much to me, except that someone was trying to ruin her reputation -'

Qi Lin thought that the anonymous threatening letter might be related to Lilian's murder. He felt compelled to review the letters for more clues. He asked Kate to provide those threatening letters and carefully studied the contents of each letter.

After reading the threatening letters, Qi Lin found that one of them read: "You will pay for your crimes! I know your secret." This sentence aroused his alarm. He began to think about what this secret might be and whether it was related to Lillian's murder.

Next, Qi Lin decided to find Alex again for further questioning. He hopes to get more clues about Lillian's secret from him.

"Mr. Alex, I found some anonymous threatening letters that seem to be related to Lillian's murder. Do you know any secrets about her?

Alex frowned, lost in thought. "To tell you the truth, Lillian once confessed a secret to me. She participated in a criminal organization and assisted them in money laundering activities. She originally wanted to quit, but the other party threatened to expose her identity."

This new clue shocked Qi Lin. Lillian's secret identity and her involvement in the criminal organization may hold the key to solving the mystery.

Qi Lin decided to further investigate this criminal organization. He collected more intelligence about the organization and cooperated with other police officers and detectives. Gradually, a complex conspiracy emerged.

After a long and arduous investigation, Qi Lin and his team discovered that Lillian was murdered by someone within the criminal organization. The organization exploited her money laundering skills and tried to control her through threats. However, Lillian is determined to change her ways and plans to betray the criminal organization and provide information to the authorities.

0…Please give me flowers…

When criminal organizations learn of Lillian's plans, they decide to eliminate her threat. They sent a killer to Lillian's villa and murdered her at night.

Qi Lin summoned the police and members of the special operations team to prepare for an operation to capture this criminal organization. After careful planning, they successfully raided the secret base of the criminal organization and arrested the main suspect.

During the interrogation, the suspect admitted to Lillian's murder and revealed how the entire criminal organization operated. They use nightclubs to launder money and control those with inside information through threats and malicious behavior.

In the final revelation of the case, Qi Lin showed the chain of evidence and eyewitness statements [proving that the criminal organization was behind the murder of Lillian. The main suspect was charged with murder and organized crime.

During this period, Qi Lin kept in contact with Lillian's relatives and provided them with support and comfort. Although they lost Lillian, they expressed gratitude for Qilin's work and efforts.

The complex love-murder case was solved, and the darkness of the criminal organization was exposed and punished. Qi Lin became a hero. His professional abilities and unyielding pursuit of justice made him famous in the detective world. .

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