Qi Lin sat in the office, his brows furrowed. Since taking over the poisoning case, he has not had a good rest for several days. All clues in the case point to a wealthy industrialist, Li Weichen. However, although it seems to be a success, it is always just a little bit different.

He tapped the table lightly, thinking about what to do next. Suddenly, the phone ringing broke through the quiet office.

"Hello, Qi Lin here." He held the receiver and waited for the other party's response.

"Mr. Qi, I am Yang Hui [Li Weichen's secretary. I have some important information to tell you." A young female voice came from the other end of the phone. 050

"Please tell me, Miss Yang. I am working hard to pursue this case, and any clues may be important." Qi Lin said expectantly.

"I heard that you have been suspecting that our boss Li Weichen is related to this case. In fact, I also discovered some strange things." Yang Hui said slightly nervously.

"Please tell me everything you know, Miss Yang." Qi Lin's eyes lit up, and he felt that the breakthrough point was approaching.

"I once overheard Li Weichen talking to a mysterious person on the phone. They mentioned some kind of plan and poison. At the same time, Li Weichen has also been in frequent contact with a pharmacist recently. Maybe this will help you." Yang Hui Said softly.

"Thank you very much for the reminder, Miss Yang! This information will have an important impact on the progress of the case. I will investigate the pharmacist's background immediately." Qi Lin said happily.

Qi Lin used his relationship in the police station to quickly find out the identity of the mysterious pharmacist. Her name is Wang Meili, and she is an attending physician in a well-known hospital. He decided to go to the hospital

Interview with beauty.

When Qi Lin came to the hospital, Wang Meili was dealing with an emergency patient in a ward. He waited patiently until Wang Meili finished working.

"Dr. Wang, I am Qi Lin, a detective. I am investigating a case and need your help to answer some questions." Qi Lin said with a smile (aief).

Wang Meili looked at him in surprise, then nodded. They walked into a quiet conference room, sat down and started talking.

"Can you tell me more about the relationship between Mr. Li Weichen and you?" Qi Lin asked bluntly.

Wang Meili thought for a moment, and then said: "Indeed, I know Mr. Li Weichen. We once met at a charity dinner, and he asked me some questions about poisons. However, we did not maintain further contact after that. I did not Knowing whether he is related to the poisoning case is the only information I can provide.

Qi Lin silently thought about Wang Meili's answer. Although she acted quite calmly, there were still some subtle doubts. He decided to take a more direct approach.

"Dr. Wang, I must tell you that we have obtained some evidence showing that your connection with Mr. Li Weichen is not simple. If you conceal anything, it will seriously affect your situation." Qi Lin deliberately increased his tone. , trying to elicit more clues.

Wang Meili's face changed slightly, and she obviously felt the pressure increase. Finally, she said: "Okay, I admit that there is indeed some connection with Mr. Levi Chen. But I swear that I have not participated in any illegal activities or poisoning!"

Qi Lin did not respond immediately, but looked at Wang Meili. He tried to determine the truth by observing her expressions and words. .

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