"Please describe in detail your relationship with Mr. Li Weichen and the content of your conversation." Qi Lin asked calmly.

Wang Meili took a deep breath and began to explain: "We did meet several times, mainly at charity events. He became very interested in poisons and asked me some questions about the ingredients and effects of drugs. But I have never given him any dangerous or illegal drugs.

Qi Lin listened carefully to Wang Meili's narration, while paying attention to her expression and tone. He felt that this conversation might be a breakthrough, but more evidence was needed to confirm.

After returning to the office, Qi Lin compiled all the clues and information about the case. He reviewed the conversation with Yang Hui and the conversation with Wang Meili. After thinking for a moment, he decided to conduct a more in-depth investigation.

First, he focused on Levi Chen's financial records. By reviewing bank accounts and fund flows, he found some unusual transfer records, with small amounts but frequent occurrences. This aroused his alert, and he suspected that this might be one of the means of conducting illegal transactions.

Next, Qi Lin contacted a technical expert, hoping to investigate the communications between Li Weichen and Wang Meili. They found some suspicious phone calls and email records, especially before and after the incident.

As the investigation deepens, clues gradually become intertwined. Qi Lin realized that this was not a simple poisoning case, but a more complex conspiracy hidden behind it.

Finally, Qi Lin decided to submit all the evidence to the procuratorate and requested the arrest of Li Weichen and Wang Meili. During the interrogation, he and witnesses related to the case provided more details, revealing the entire conspiracy.

It turns out that Li Weichen is a greedy and ruthless business tycoon who has always had the desire to pursue power and wealth. Wang Meili was one of his conspirators. She used her status as a doctor to provide Li Weichen with highly lethal poisons.

Their plan is to eliminate competitors and enemies through poisoning in order to expand their influence in the business field. Li Weichen purchased a rare poison through a secret deal and Wang Meili was responsible for formulating and supplying the poison.

However, Qi Lin's vigilance and investigative abilities finally exposed the conspiracy. By carefully analyzing evidence, collecting witness statements, and interrogating suspects, he brought the truth to the entire case to light.

0......Please give me flowers......

In court, Li Weichen and Wang Meili were formally charged and ultimately found guilty. They were involved in multiple murders and illegal transactions and received long prison sentences.

One morning, Qi Lin was sitting in the office drinking coffee, thinking about how to break through this seemingly difficult case. While he was racking his brains, the phone rang.

"Mr. Qi, I am an anonymous person. I have some clues about the trafficking of protected animals. I hope you can help with the investigation." A strange male voice came from the other end of the phone.

Qi Lin immediately became alert. This case seemed to be more serious than he imagined. He asked calmly: "What clues do you have?"

"I know a secret trading place next to a fishing port in the city. A group of people gather there every Friday night. They are probably the ones selling protected animals.

"Famous people continue to talk about death.

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