After a fierce trial, the court finally ruled that the evidence provided by Qi Lin was sufficient, and the travel company was imposed a huge fine and assumed corresponding legal liabilities.

After the case was over, Qi Lin returned to that beautiful beach for vacation again. But this time he is not enjoying the sun, beach and waves as a detective, but as an ordinary tourist.

Qi Lin understands that no matter how much pressure and difficulties he faces, as long as he insists on justice and truth, he will eventually be able to defeat everything. This trip to the beach also made him feel the beauty and tranquility of life again.

There was a busy scene inside the police station, with people hurriedly shuttling back and forth, busy handling various cases. Qi Lin walked into Office Room 12 and saw a table full of documents and notebooks. He sat down and began to collect his thoughts.

At this moment, the door to the police station was pushed open, and a tall and dignified police officer walked in. He is Qi Lin's friend and partner Li Lin.

"Congratulations, Lin! You finally cracked the sewage discharge case!" Li Lin said with a smile.

Qi Lin smiled and nodded, "Yes, Li Lin, we finally found the culprit hiding in the dark. I stayed up all night analyzing the evidence and finally locked him.

Li Lin walked to Qi Lin and asked with concern: "What is the truth of this case?"

Qi Lin pushed the document in his hand onto the table and said seriously: "Behind this sewage discharge case is a predatory game of economic interests and power struggle. The masterminds are senior officials within the municipal government, who colluded with an industrial group , to gain profits at the expense of the environment.

"It's so sinful!" Li Lin gritted his teeth angrily.

Qi Lin continued to explain: "I found through investigation that these sewage discharges not only caused great damage to the environment, but also caused health problems to nearby residents. In order to cover up all this, the relevant personnel adopted various means, including forging reports and Buy the media.

Li Lin thought for a moment and then said: "This is really a complex and dangerous case. We must protect the evidence and bring these criminals to justice."

Qi Lin nodded and began to analyze the next plan: "We need to find more evidence to confirm our guess. There are many people and units involved in this case, and we cannot take it lightly."

Li Lin thought for a while and then said: "We can look for more clues by monitoring the actions of those involved. If they do anything unusual, we can find out the real criminals hiding behind the scenes."

Qi Lin nodded in agreement: "What a great idea! We will organize a team to monitor and collect evidence. 127 At the same time, we also need to cooperate with the municipal government and environmental protection departments to increase attention and investigation on this issue."

As time passed, Qi Lin and Li Lin made major breakthroughs in their investigations. They gradually connected the clues of the entire case and learned more key evidence. They discovered that the sewage discharge incident was closely related to a senior official within the city government, who was behind the entire case.

Qi Lin and Li Lin decided to take secret actions to ensure the smooth progress of the investigation. They collected evidence in depth and cooperated with some local environmental organizations and media figures to expose the scandal to the public. .

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