Xiao Li nodded: "Yes, this information is still a bit difficult for us. However, haven't you always been able to crack such complex passwords? This time should be no exception, right?"

Qi Lin smiled: "No problem, I will crack it as soon as possible. However, it will take some time for me to adapt to these new codes and passwords.

In the next few days, Qi Lin locked himself in the office and studied these "817" codes and secret codes while drinking coffee. Through constant trying and groping, he gradually deciphered the meaning of this information.

In the end, he successfully cracked the operating model and personnel composition of the entire smuggling network. He provided detailed information and evidence to the police force [The police immediately launched a false operation to bring the criminals to justice.

At the press conference after the case was solved, Qi Lin received widespread praise and attention from the media and society. "This is just what a detective should do," he said modestly.

At the subsequent celebration banquet, Qi Lin drank champagne and clinked glasses with Xiao Li to celebrate: "Cheers!" Xiao Li looked at Qi Lin: "Qi Lin, do you know? You are really a hero."

Qi Lin smiled and shook his head: "I'm not a hero, I'm just an ordinary detective."

"Ordinary?" Xiao Li shook his head, "You are the best detective!"

Qi Lin smiled and continued to enjoy the victory celebration banquet with Xiao Li.

A few days later, Qi Lin received a package. Inside the package was a photo and a letter. The photo shows a beautiful beach, and the content of the letter is also very simple: "Mr. Qi Lin, this beach is our company's resort, and I would like to invite you to experience it." The signature of the letter is a large tourism company.

Qi Lin looked at the letter and photos and fell into deep thought. He did not expect that his success would bring such results. He originally thought that he would continue to do the work he loved in obscurity and help people in need. But now his work seems to be attracting unwanted attention.

He looked at the beautiful beach in the photo and felt hesitant. He didn't know if this was a good opportunity. But in the end he decided to experience this beautiful beach.

On the beach, Qi Lin enjoyed the beauty of the sun, sand and waves. He found that the beach was really beautiful and breathtaking. He had a wonderful holiday here

After returning home, Qi Lin continued his detective work and also received many new case commissions... He found that these cases were all related to the travel company. He understood why the company invited him to experience the beach. Although he was a little worried, it was just an ordinary case and not threatening.

Qi Lin began to investigate these cases and found that these travel companies were engaging in some illegal activities, including deceiving consumers and illegal transactions. He collected the evidence and prepared to report it to the relevant departments.

At the same time, Qi Lin also realized a problem: if he continued to investigate in depth, it might cause unnecessary trouble and danger. He begins to think about his own safety and security

He discussed this issue with Xiao Li, and Xiao Li said that the police department would fully support his 5.7 actions and would increase its protection for him. Qi Lin decided to continue to investigate these cases in depth and fully expose these criminal acts.

During his investigation, Qi Lin gradually discovered that the background of this travel company is very complicated, not only involving many high-level figures, but also the existence of some evil forces. Under great pressure, he collected these evidences and finally filed a lawsuit in court. .

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