Qi Lin frowned after hearing this. He turned on the computer and began to check the relevant information provided by Xiao Li. In front of him was a series of complex network diagrams, which showed an intricate criminal network.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and said: "First of all, we need to find out the weaknesses of this criminal network. Xiao Li, help me collect the victims' information and see what they have in common."

Xiao Li nodded and agreed. Seeing Qi Lin put into work, her heart was full of respect. She deeply admired this man, his wisdom and persistence.

570 Qi Lin and Xiao Li’s investigation lasted for several days. They discovered one thing in common among the victims: they were all online gamers. Moreover, they were all deceived in an online game called "Virtual Jianghu".

Qi Lin's eyes became sharp, and he had a hunch that the breakthrough in this case was in this game. He decided to investigate the game further.

However, when he started trying to crack the game's encryption system, he found that it was much more difficult than he thought. Qi Lin encountered unprecedented challenges. His fingers were tapping rapidly (bceh) on the keyboard, his brows were furrowed, and sweat rolled down his forehead.

As time passed, Qi Lin's hair became more and more messy, and his eyes became more and more red. However, he did not give up. He told himself that this was his responsibility and a task that he must complete.

After several days of hard attempts, Qi Lin suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a possible solution. He quickly typed out a piece of code on the keyboard, and then nervously waited for the result.

Just when his heart almost jumped out of his chest, a prompt appeared on the computer screen: "Cracked successfully!" Qi Lin breathed a long sigh of relief, and he smiled, so relieved and so happy.

He entered the core system of the game and discovered a special set of codes. This code allows scammers to accurately grasp the victim's psychological dynamics and use their love for games to commit fraud.

Qi Lin immediately informed Xiao Li and his team of this discovery. They took immediate action, designed an ingenious trap, and successfully captured the criminals.

The solution of the case did not stop Qi Lin, but instead inspired him to become even more enthusiastic. He knows that the online world is a constantly changing world, and he must continue to learn and make progress in order to gain a foothold in this world.

Qi Lin was sitting in the office, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, frowning, thinking about the recent smuggling case. This case is very complex, involving a large number of criminal gangs, and their actions are secretive and difficult to grasp.

Suddenly, his phone rang. When he picked it up, it was Xiao Li's voice: "Qi Lin, we just got some new information. Come and take a look."

Qi Lin quickly put on his coat, hailed a taxi and headed to the police station where Xiao Li was located. When he stepped into the police station, Xiao Li greeted him happily, holding a document in his hand: "Qi Lin, look at this!"

Qi Lin took the document and browsed it quickly and found that it was an action plan for a smuggling gang, with some codes and secret codes attached to it. He looked at the information and couldn't help but frowned: "This gang is really cunning, using so many secret codes and codes.",

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