"Why did you do that?" the policeman asked.

"I owe money to others," Li Ming replied, "and they threatened to kill me if I didn't set Qi Lin's house on fire."

After Qi Lin heard the news, he immediately rushed to the police station. He looked at Li Ming, "Who do you owe money to?"

"I can't say it." Li Ming shook his head, "If I say it, they will kill my family.

Qi Lin immediately understood the reason. "Are they threatening you too?" he asked.

Li Ming nodded 12 times silently.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, knowing that this case was much more complicated than he imagined. He needs to find those behind the scenes and let them be punished as they deserve.

In the following time, Qi Lin and the police launched a series of investigations and tracking. They finally determined the location of those behind the scenes and successfully arrested them.

Qi Lin was sitting in the office of the detective agency, listening carefully to a tearful mother telling her story about the disappearance of her child. The mother's voice trembled and her eyes were filled with tears, but she still firmly described all the details and characteristics of her child to Qi Lin.

"My child, her name is Xiaomei, she is only five years old. She has long black hair, big eyes, fair skin, and a small mole at the corner of her mouth. She is very smart, lively and cute, and always likes to laugh. ." The mother's voice was choked, but she held back tears and continued, "She disappeared a week ago. She went to the park to play that night and never came back."

Qi Lin listened carefully and observed every expression and movement of his mother. He could see that his mother was very anxious and worried, and her description did not contain any exaggeration or fiction. Qi Lin decided to do his best to help the mother find her child.

Qi Lin immediately began to investigate the case. He started from the park and investigated all the surveillance videos in the park. He found a suspicious person who appeared in the park on the night Xiaomei disappeared, and his whereabouts were somewhat sneaky. . Qi Lin told the police this clue, and the police immediately began to track the suspicious figure.

In the next few days, Qi Lin continued to search for clues in the city. He searched for traces of Xiaomei in every corner. At the same time, he also discovered the situation of several other abducted children. The ages of these children range from two to eight years old, and their parents have been deceived by scammers for various reasons, and the whereabouts of these scammers are secretive and difficult to detect.

Qi Lin followed these clues with the police. They continued to investigate, search, and track. They found that these scammers used social media and the Internet to find their targets, and they all had a complete operating system that was difficult to detect. 820 Qi Lin followed these clues with the police, and they finally found the hiding place of one of the scammers. This is a small house on the edge of the city, filled with various daily necessities and children's toys. The police immediately surrounded the hut and rushed in to arrest the liar.

During the interrogation, the liar admitted his involvement in multiple child trafficking cases. He admitted that he used social media and the Internet to find targets, then used various means to defraud the children and sell them to a black market criminal gang. This gang will take children abroad and sell them to families who cannot have children, making huge profits from them.

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