Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

236: I’M Getting Ready To Make Dinner

Qi Lin was very angry and shocked after hearing the news. He decided to completely destroy this black market criminal gang. He began to investigate the case harder. He continued to follow clues, collect evidence, and analyze data, and finally he found the hiding place of the criminal gang.

The police were dispatched again to raid the criminal gang. In this operation, the police successfully arrested the leader and some members of the criminal gang. At the same time, they also rescued many abducted children.

Qi Lin was filled with emotion as he watched the scene where these rescued children were reunited with their families. He knows that his work is full of hardship and danger, but he also knows that his work is very meaningful. He will continue his detective career as always and provide help to more people in need.

Detective Qi Lin received the task of investigating an arson case. He immediately took action and went to the crime scene to investigate. It was a building engulfed in flames, with ashes and debris scattered around.

Qi Lin put on gloves and carefully collected possible evidence. He carefully observed the traces of the fire and talked with the firefighters to understand the path and situation of the fire's spread.

After returning to the office, Qi Lin began to sort out the collected evidence. He found several signs of ignition. It seemed that this was not an accidental fire, but a deliberate arson. He decided to start with witnesses near the fire scene to see if he could find some important clues.

The next day, Qi Lin rushed to the address provided by the witness and prepared to question him. The witness was an old lady named Wang Xiulan who lived nearby. they are sitting in the living room

Qi Lin introduced his identity and investigation purpose to Wang Xiulan.

"Mrs. Wang, thank you for your willingness to cooperate with our investigation. Can you describe in detail what happened that day?" Qi Lin asked politely.

Wang Xiulan frowned and recalled, and then said: "That evening, I was preparing to make dinner when I suddenly heard a loud noise from upstairs. I ran out to see and saw that the entire building was surrounded by flames. I immediately I called the police and tried my best to help nearby people evacuate. However, I did not see any suspicious people or vehicles leaving the scene.

Qi Lin thought about the information provided by Wang Xiulan and felt that more details were needed. He continued: "Before the fire, did you notice any suspicious activity or strangers entering or leaving the building?"

Wang Xiulan was silent for a while, and then said cautiously: "Actually, a young man came to see me two days ago. He claimed to be an employee of the housing management company and wanted to check the safety of wires and gas pipes. He said it was a routine matter Check, but I thought it was a bit strange because I had never heard of such a routine check. However, I did not doubt his intentions, so I let him in."

Upon hearing this clue, Qi Lin's heart moved. This young man may be the key figure in the case of setting fire to Wang Hao. He thanked Wang Xiulan and told her that there would be further investigation later.

Qi Lin summoned his assistant Xiao Zhang and together they began to investigate the young man who claimed to be an employee of the housing management company. They went to the management company, hoping to find corresponding records and clues.

At the management company, they found a supervisor responsible for maintenance and inspections. Qi Lin asked his supervisor about the situation and described the clues provided by witnesses. .

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