"Mr. Yang Ming, thank you very much for your willingness to provide testimony. We know that you work near the crime scene, so we are very interested in what you witnessed. Can you describe to us in detail the person you saw?"

A vigilant look appeared on Yang Ming's face. He recalled it and then began to describe it, "That evening, I was cleaning the tables at the door of the restaurant. Suddenly, I noticed a man walking through the alley. He said "593" "He is tall, has short black hair, and is wearing a black coat and jeans. The most eye-catching thing is that he is wearing a black hat, which covers his face so tightly that it is almost impossible to see clearly.

"Did this person do anything suspicious?" Qi Lin asked.

Yang Ming fell into deep thought, "Well, the fact is that he looked anxious and nervous. When he walked through the door of the restaurant, he kept looking around, as if he was looking for something. When he noticed that I was looking at him, his eyes He immediately became alert, quickly quickened his pace, and walked straight towards the end of the street. 11

Yang Ming's description aroused the interest of Qi Lin and Director Li. This man's behavior was indeed consistent with that of a suspect linked to the trafficking case. Qi Lin thanked Yang Ming gratefully, and then turned to Director Li.

"Director Li, I think we should track this person. He may be the key target we have been looking for for a long time.

Director Li thought for a moment and nodded. "You're right, Qi Lin. We can't miss this opportunity. We will organize a team to monitor the area closely and try to catch him the next time he appears."

As a result, Qi Lin and his team began surveillance operations for several days. They set up a secret control point near Changyun Restaurant and used wireless cameras and eavesdropping equipment for monitoring. After several days of waiting, they finally got the chance for the suspicious man to appear again.

On this day, Qi Lin and his team were observing the pictures on the screen in the monitoring room. Suddenly, a tall man wearing a black hat appeared in their field of vision. As Yang Ming described, he looked very nervous and looked around from time to time.

Qi Lin immediately issued an order, "Follow carefully and don't let him find us. We must ensure that he has no chance to escape."

As the target moves, Qi Lin's team quietly follows behind, always keeping vigilance. They passed through busy streets and winding alleys, and finally came to an abandoned warehouse...

Qi Lin and his team quickly hid and watched the man enter the warehouse from the dark. They waited for a moment to make sure no one else came in or out before deciding to take action.

"Let's go in. But be careful and try to surround him." Qi ordered in a low voice.

They spread out and slowly approached the warehouse with minimal noise. When everyone was in place, Qi Lin suddenly broke into the warehouse, pointed at the man and shouted, "Police! Don't move! Put down your weapons!"

The man was startled. After seeing that he was surrounded, he knew that escape was impossible. So he put down his belongings and raised his hands in surrender.

Qi Lin and his team controlled the suspect, conducted a 3.3 body search and confiscated his belongings. Later, they took him back to the police station and launched a more detailed interrogation.

In the interrogation room, Qi Lin faced off with the suspect. "Tell me, what is your connection with the abduction case?" he asked calmly.

The suspect closed his lips tightly and looked unwilling to speak. Qi Lin knew he needed to apply some pressure to get the suspect's confession. .

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