"I understand that you may feel desperate now, but you have to understand that we already have a lot of evidence pointing to you. Related items were found in your hiding place, as well as eyewitness testimony. If you choose to remain silent, you will Facing more serious charges. On the contrary, if you are willing to cooperate, you may get a chance of a lighter sentence. Now is the moment of your choice." Qi Lin said with a firm voice.

The suspect hesitated for a moment, then sighed and lowered his defense. "Okay, I admit that I am related to the abduction case. However, I am just a small fish, and there are bigger forces behind it."

Qi Lin was satisfied with this breakthrough. He knew that they would uncover a more complicated truth next.

"Tell me, who is behind this?" Qi Zhui asked.

The suspect hesitated for a moment and then said: "They are called 'Shadow Dragon' and they are a secret criminal organization. They specialize in human trafficking and illegal trafficking. I am just one of their subordinates, responsible for collecting intelligence in the urban area."

Qi Lin's heart moved. The name "Shadow Dragon" was no stranger to him. He knew that this was a very powerful criminal organization that had long played an important role in various illegal transactions.

"You must provide more information, including their hiding place, the identity of the leader and the names of other members. Only in this way can we completely destroy their organization

"Qi Lin said firmly.

The suspect looked at Qi Lin and seemed to be weighing the pros and cons. Finally, he nodded, "Okay, I'll tell you everything. But, I need to ensure my safety.

Qi Lin assured the suspect of his safety and applied for special protection measures with his superiors. Then, he began to carefully record the information provided by the suspect.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and his team launched a larger-scale operation, tracking and arresting many people related to "Shadow Dragon". By gradually breaking down the defense lines of criminal organizations, they gradually get closer to the real mastermind.

As the investigation deepened, Qi Lin and his team learned that the leader of "Shadow Dragon" was hiding in an abandoned factory. This factory was once an important industrial base, but now it has been abandoned for many years.

Qi Lin carefully planned a secret operation, hoping to destroy the foundation of "Shadow Dragon" in one fell swoop. He worked closely with the SWAT team to develop detailed plans. At dusk that day, they quietly entered the surrounding area of ​​the factory to ensure that they were not noticed.

"Remember, our goal is to arrest the leader of the 'Shadow Dragon' and ensure the safety and success of the operation. We must be careful not to give them any chance to escape." The team members emphasized.

In the dark night, Qi Lin and the SWAT team members quietly entered the abandoned factory. They spread out and crept forward along the secret passages and stairs. The interior of Factory 610 is eerie, filled with ruins and the remains of old equipment.

Finally, they came to a stuffy basement. Through the weak light, Qi Lin saw several dim figures. That's a member of "Shadow Dragon".

"Now, it's time to show our strength." Qi Lin was determined. He gave a signal, and the SWAT team members rushed forward at the same time and subdued the criminals.

As the battle progressed, a tall figure walked out of the corner. He was the leader of the "Shadow Dragon". He was wearing a black suit and had a cold smile on his face.

"You are really brave, how dare you break into my territory." The leader said coldly. .

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