Qi Lin was not afraid and stared at the leader. "Your crimes end here. Lay down your arms and surrender!

The leader smiled mockingly, suddenly pulled out a pistol and fired at Qi Lin. Qi Lin quickly evaded and started a fierce exchange of fire with the SWAT team members.

During the fierce battle, Qi Lin used his extraordinary shooting and tactical skills to deal with the boss. Their bullets intertwined into a dense line of fire, full of the atmosphere of life and death.

Finally, Qi Lin seized the opportunity and hit the leader's arm quickly and accurately, causing him to drop his pistol. The leader knew that he had no choice but to surrender.

"The game is over, the era of 'Shadow Dragon' is over." Qi Lin said calmly.

Subsequently, the SWAT team members subdued all the ringleaders and other criminals, successfully ending the decisive battle.

Qi Lin and the SWAT team members escorted the leader and members of "Shadow Dragon" back to the police station for further interrogation and legal sanctions.

The success of this operation brought a huge sense of security and joy to the entire city. The "Shadow Dragon" as an evil force has finally been completely destroyed, and people can live with peace of mind and no longer worry about the threats of abduction and illegal trafficking.

Qi Lin frowned, put the coffee aside, walked to the door, and opened it. Outside the door was a woman he knew. She was a well-known jewelry collector.

"Madam, what happened?" Qi Lin asked.

"My jewelry has been stolen. I can't find any clues. I need your help." The lady replied nervously.

Qi Lin nodded and motioned for her to enter the room. He began asking her for details about the stolen jewelry.

"This was a very professional theft," the woman explained. "My jewelry collection was wiped out, but the door was not broken down and nothing else was stolen."

Qi Lin's eyes narrowed into a thin line, he stood up and began to walk back and forth in the room. He said to the woman: "I need you to tell me something. What do these jewels mean to you? Why would anyone risk stealing them?"

The lady took a deep breath and said, "These jewelry are very important to me. They have been my collection for many years. I don't know why someone would steal them. I have not offended anyone."

Qi Lin was thinking silently. Suddenly he stopped, picked up a piece of paper and a pen, and began to scribble on the paper. The lady looked at him, wondering what he was doing.

A few minutes later, Qi Lin showed his findings to the lady. He handed her a sketch of a basement structure.

"Is this where your jewelry collection is?" Qi Lin asked.

The lady nodded in surprise, "This is where my private collection is, how did you know?"

Qi Lin smiled and said, "This is the skill of a professional detective."

He explained, "When I asked you about the jewelry, you mentioned that they were part of your collection. So, I thought this might be where you hid them."

Qi Lin continued to explain, "If someone wants to steal your jewelry, they first need to know where the jewelry is. If you hide them in a hidden place, then the person must understand your habits and the location of the collection." Ms. Qian was shocked after hearing this, "You mean, this is an internal crime?"

Qi Lin shrugged, "I'm not sure, but it's a possibility."

The lady looked at him deeply, "I need to find my jewelry, can you help me?"

Qi Lin nodded and started his investigation work again. He asked the woman about her life, friends and family. Finally, he found a suspicious clue. A friend named Martin once borrowed a catalog from her collection. .

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