Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

242: I Will Definitely Help You Recover Your Losses.

"Martin borrowed your collection catalog?" Qi Lin asked, "Does he know the specific location of the jewelry?"

The lady frowned, "I think he might know. I once showed him my collection."

Qi Lin's eyes became firm, "We need to find Martin."

They began to search for Martin's whereabouts and finally found him in a casino. Qi Lin and Ms. walked into the casino and found Martin. When they brought Martin back to the scene of the stolen jewelry, Martin began to shake.

"I...I...I just wanted to borrow some jewelry to show off," Martin stammered, "I didn't intend to steal them.

Qi Lin looked at Martin, "Then, why did you steal them?"

Martin took a deep breath, "I owe gambling debts, and I need money. I know these jewelry 303 are valuable, and I think I can sell some to pay off my debt."

The lady was very angry when she heard the news, "You thief! You betrayed my trust!" she shouted.

Martin lowered his head, "I know I was wrong, and I will take responsibility for my actions." He looked at Qi Lin, "I will return all the jewelry and bear all responsibilities."

Qi Lin nodded, "Okay, we will watch you do this." He turned to the lady, "I hope you can understand this lesson. Sometimes we trust others too much and ignore those who really care about us. "

Detective Qi Lin stood in the office of the police station with a thick case file in front of him. The case file documents a recent spate of jewelry thefts. He put on his glasses and lowered his head to read the details of each case carefully.

The thefts occurred in different places, times and ways, but had one thing in common: each occurred during a jewelry store opening celebration. Qi Lin thought to himself, is there some kind of pattern hidden behind this?

He decided to first go to the scene of a recently robbed jewelry store to investigate. When we arrived at our destination, the shop owner, Mr. Li, was sorting out the remaining surveillance videos. Qi Lin walked over and held Mr. Li's hand.

Qi Lin: Mr. Li, I am Qi Lin, the detective in charge of this case. Please describe to me what happened that night.

Mr. Li: That night, we held an opening ceremony and many people came to attend. Suddenly, a group of gangsters broke in, knocked down the security guard, and stole a large amount of jewelry. They moved quickly and disappeared like ghosts.

Qi Lin: Do you know how they got in?

Mr. Li: I don’t know. The security guards are guarding the door. I thought that was enough. I didn't expect them to get in so easily.

Qi Lin: Have you noticed any suspicious people or vehicles appearing nearby?

Mr. Li shook his head.

Mr. Li: The scene was very chaotic at that time. I only saw some blurry figures. They were dressed in black and wearing masks, making them difficult to identify. And they used a strange tool that can open the jewelry counter instantly.

Qi Lin: I understand, Mr. Li. Please rest assured that I will find the murderer as soon as possible and help you recover your losses.

Qi Lin left the jewelry store and came to the police station to review the relevant information in the case file. He found that every theft case did not leave any valuable clues, and it seemed that the murderer was never traceable. This made Qi Lin feel a little tearful.

Just when he was confused, the phone rang. He answered quickly.

Qi Lin: Hello, how are you?

Colleague from the police station: Qi Lin, we just received an anonymous call saying that someone knows the truth behind the theft. He agreed to meet in the park tomorrow afternoon.

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