The policeman nodded and left the room. Qi Lin continued to play the harmonica, waiting for more clues to appear.

Qi Lin's investigation continued, and he decided to conduct a search of Xia Rong's home. He brought several police officers and a professional jewelry appraiser, and the group came to Xia Rong's home.

Xia Rong was a little surprised when she saw them arriving. She asked: "What are you doing?"

Qi Lin smiled and replied: "We are investigating a jewelry theft case and need to search your home.

Xia Rong frowned, but she didn't stop them. Qi Lin and his team carefully searched Xia Yijirong's home, looking for any clues that might be related to the theft.

During the search, they found some jewelry, which was not part of what was stolen. Qi Lin asked Xia Rong about the origin of these jewelry, and Xia Rong explained that these were her private collection and were left to her by her mother.

Qi Lin nodded and asked the jewelry appraiser to carefully inspect the jewelry. Jewelry appraisers confirmed that the jewels were of high value, but were not part of the stolen items.

The search continued, but Qi Lin and his team ultimately did not find any valuable clues. Xia Rong watched them leave, feeling a little disappointed.

Qi Lin told Xia Rong before leaving: "This case is very complicated and I will continue to investigate. During this period, you'd better not leave the city."

Xia Rong nodded, knowing that Qi Lin was fulfilling his duty. She also began to believe that the case would soon come to light.

A few days later, Qi Lin received an anonymous call saying he knew the truth about the theft. Qi Lin followed the clues and came to a bar, where he met a mysterious woman.

This woman looked somewhat similar to Xia Rong, and Qi Lin immediately realized that this woman might be Xia Rong's sister. She told Qi Lin that Xia Rong did not steal the jewelry and that the real criminal was a man named Zhang San.

Qi Lin was very excited when he heard the news. He immediately organized a team of police to arrest Zhang San. After a fierce chase, Zhang San was captured.

Qi Lin was sitting in the corner of the office holding a cup of coffee, his eyes staring tiredly and intently at the brown liquid in the cup. At this time, the phone suddenly rang, interrupting his thoughts.

"Qi Lin Detective Agency, I am Qi Lin." His tired voice was slightly hoarse.

"Mr. Qi, this is Master Xiaoxian. I need your help." The voice on the other end of the phone revealed unconcealable anxiety.

"Okay, Mr. Wang. Can you tell me the specific situation?" Qi Lin asked, his eyes narrowed into a line, curiosity and professional instinct began to collide.

Wang Xiaoxian took a deep breath and began to say: "My daughter, she...she was poisoned."

787 Qi Lin's eyes narrowed even more, "He feels that this is a case that may plunge him into an abyss: Can you elaborate on it?"

"My daughter is a piano genius. She won the championship in a competition, and then began to receive some invitations to perform. Her future was bright. However, one night last month, she suddenly felt unwell and was sent to the hospital After being admitted to the hospital, he was diagnosed with food poisoning. Our life suddenly became a mess." Wang Xiaoxian's voice was choked with sobs.

"Have you found out what kind of poison it is?" Qi Lin asked.

"Some traces were found, but we can't determine what kind of poison it is." Wang Xiaoxian replied.

"Tell me the details at that time." Qi Lin said. .

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