Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

265: Why Did He Want To Harm My Daughter?

Wang Xiaoxian described the dinner that night, including the types and quantities of the meals, as well as some of his daughter's reactions after eating. The information he provided did not bring many clues to Qi Lin

But he felt the case was not simple.

"I need you to bring the tableware and food samples from that time so that we can conduct further analysis." Qi Lin said.

The next day, Qi Lin carefully examined the samples provided by Wang Xiaoxian in the office. Among the tableware, he found trace amounts of organophosphorus compounds on a fork. In the food, he found some vegetables with tiny cuts that looked like they had been artificially cut.

He immediately called Wang Xiaoxian to inform him of his discovery. "I think this may be a poisoning case. We need to find the chef that night." Qi Lin said seriously.

"The chef that night? But this is impossible! Why did she want to harm my daughter?" Wang Xiaoxian's voice was full of confusion.

"There are many possible reasons, but we need further investigation." Qi Lin said.

After some investigation, Qi Lin discovered that the chef had recent financial problems and had some conflicts with Wang Xiaoxian's daughter. But this is still not enough to prove that she is the murderer. Qi Lin felt a little frustrated. He sat on the sofa in the office and rubbed his temples with his hands.

Suddenly, he thought of something, picked up the phone and called his forensic friend: "Hi, Lao Li, can you help me check something?" Qi Lin asked.

"Of course, Lao Qi, what do you need?" Lao Li replied.

"I would like to ask you to check whether anyone has been hospitalized in the hospital for food poisoning in the past few months." Qi Lin said.

An hour later, Lao Li's reply made Qi Lin's heart beat faster: "Lao Qi, someone is really hospitalized due to food poisoning, and this person is..."

Qi Lin's heart tightened: "Who is it?"

"She is Wang Xiaoxian's wife." Lao Li answered.

Qi Lin's heart suddenly hit the bottom: "Thank you, Lao Li, I will go find you." After he hung up the phone, he immediately got up and put on his coat. He knew that this case was much more complicated than he thought.

In the next few days, Qi Lin conducted an in-depth investigation into Wang Xiaoxian's wife. She was once an excellent biologist, but an accident in the laboratory caused her to suffer from serious health problems. She had been exposed to a powerful neurotoxin before the accident. This toxin is exactly the same as the symptoms of food poisoning in Wang Xiaoxian's daughter. After learning about these situations, Qi Lin immediately called Wang Xiaoxian.

"Mr. Wang, I discovered that your wife may have poisoned the food." Qi Lin said directly.

There was silence for a while on the other end of the phone, and then Wang Xiaoxian's painful voice came: ".||How is this possible? Why would she do this?"

Qi Lin told Wang Xiaoxian the investigation. Wang Xiaoxian didn't speak for a long time after hearing this, and finally said: "I...I need time to digest it. Thank you, Mr. Qi." He hung up the phone.

A few days later, Bing Xiaoxian came to Qi Lin's office. His eyes showed a determination that he had never seen before: Why did Ozi do this? Doesn't she want my daughter's life and mine to be ruined?" he asked with a trembling voice.

Qi Lin shook his head slightly: "There may be many reasons for this, but I am not sure. This requires an in-depth investigation by the police." He looked into Wang Xiaoxian's eyes and said.

Wang Xiaoxian took a deep breath: "I will make her pay the price." His voice was full of anger and pain. Then he turned and left the office. .

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