Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

266: Can You Help Me Find My Cat Mother?

A few days later, the police arrested Wang Xiaoxian's wife and launched an investigation. With the efforts of the police, the truth gradually emerged: Wang Xiaoxian’s wife had health problems.

She had the idea of ​​​​suicide. She believed that the life of her husband and daughter could not continue due to her health condition, so she chose to poison. But her thoughts and actions are wrong. This kind of behavior will not only ruin other people's lives, but also make herself pay a heavy price.

Qi Lin looked at Wang Xiaoxian with emotion in his heart. Although this case was solved, it gave him a lot to think about. He realized more deeply that setbacks and difficulties in life are inevitable, but we need to learn to face and overcome them.

Qi Lin was holding a cup of coffee, sitting in the corner of the office, staring at the computer screen in a daze. He was thinking a lot, as if he was looking for a breakthrough in the case. Suddenly, his phone rang, interrupting his thoughts.

"Qilin Detective Agency, hello?" Qi Lin answered the phone and heard a timid female voice.

"Hello, I'm Qi Lin, how can I help you?" Qi Lin asked.

The woman hesitated and said: "I...I want to report the crime, but my cat can't be found."

Qi Lin couldn't help but frowned (cafj), missing cat? This is not the case he is investigating, but he is a detective and he can't turn it away.

"Okay, please describe the situation in detail." Qi Lin said.

The woman said: "My cat is a Scottish Fold cat, very cute... It has been missing for five days, and I have been looking everywhere but I can't find it...

Qi Lin listened to the woman's description, but became more and more confused. This cat has been missing for five days, why did she just think of reporting it? Moreover, this cat is a Scottish Fold cat and is not a nationally protected animal. Qi Lin thought there might be something fishy here, so he decided to investigate.

Qi Lin came to the place where the woman reported the crime, a high-end residential complex. He found the owner of the missing cat whom the woman said was a young and beautiful girl. The girl's name was Xiao Yu, and she was very excited after seeing Qi Lin.

"Can you help me find my cat?" Xiaoyu asked anxiously, holding Qi Lin's hand.

Qi Lin nodded, and he carefully observed Xiao Yu's expression and behavior. He found that Xiaoyu didn't seem to be acting, she was really worried about the cat. Qi Lin began to ask some questions to better understand the situation.

"Xiaoyu, can you tell me when was the last time you saw this cat?" Qi Lin asked.

Xiaoyu thought for a moment and said, "Five days ago, I didn't see it after I came home from get off work."

Qi Lin asked again: "Have you seen it anywhere else?"

Xiaoyu shook her head and said, "No."

Qi Lin frowned, which made him even more convinced that there was something fishy here, and he decided to go to the community to inquire around.

Qi Lin walked around the community, observing every corner. He found that many households in the community had cats. He walked up to them, pretending to chat with them, and asked them if they had seen a Scottish Fold cat.

One of the middle-aged women said: "I have seen a Scottish fold cat, but it is not a cat from here."

Qi Lin was stunned and asked: "Where did you see that cat?"

The middle-aged woman replied: "In a pet shop outside the community."

Qi Lin was a little curious and continued to ask: "Can you describe this pet shop?"

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