The middle-aged woman said: "This pet store is quite big, and there are many expensive cats in it. I often see people going there to buy cats."

Qi Lin was thoughtful after hearing this, and decided to go to this pet shop to have a look.

Qi Lin left the community and came to this pet shop. As soon as he entered the door, he saw many expensive cats, including Scottish Fold cats. He walked up to the clerk and asked about the price of Scottish Fold cats.

The clerk said with a smile: "This Scottish Fold cat is very expensive. It costs five thousand yuan."

Qi Lin was a little shocked. Five thousand yuan? Why would someone abandon such a precious cat? He felt that there might be a bigger secret in it.

The clerk seemed to understand Qi Lin's thoughts and said: "Actually, this kind of cat is not a nationally protected animal, but because they are very rare, the price is very high."

Qi Lin was thoughtful after hearing this, and decided to investigate the case in depth.

After Qi Lin returned to the office, he began to carefully sort out the clues. He thought of a possibility: Someone in this community might be stealing expensive cats and selling them to pet shops. Xiaoyu may have discovered this situation, so the family wanted to get rid of her.

Qi Lin decided to further verify his conjecture. He began to secretly investigate the residents in the community, especially those who had recently purchased expensive cats. He discovered that a resident had recently bought a cat that was very similar to the missing Scottish Fold cat, but he did not keep it at home, but took it out from time to time.

Qi Lin decided to contact this resident head-on. He came to the resident's door and knocked on the door.

The door opened and a young man appeared in the doorway. After seeing Qi Lin, he asked with some vigilance: "Who are you?"

Qi Lin explained his identity and began to ask about his purchase of cats.

The young man was a little nervous. He explained that he bought the cat from a pet store and that he liked the cat very much. But Qi Lin was not satisfied with his answer and continued to ask about the cat's origin.

Under Qi Lin's questioning, the young man finally admitted that he bought the cat from a pet shop, but what he did not tell Qi Lin was that the cat was stolen from a community. Qi Lin discovered that his investigation was in the right direction, and he became more determined to expose this criminal gang.

Qi Lin began to design a plan. He wanted to lure out the people of this criminal gang and let them show their flaws. He reported the situation to the police, who also said they would assist him in the investigation.

0Please give me flowersO…………

Qi Lin set a trap near the pet shop. He placed a camera at the door of the pet store and pretended to leave the pet store. Then he hid not far away and observed the situation in the pet shop.

Not long after, a stranger walked into the pet store. He chatted with the clerk for a few words, and then took out a small bag, which seemed to contain some medicinal powder. A stranger sprinkled powder on a cat in a pet shop, and the cat soon became immobile.


When Qi Lin saw this scene, he immediately understood that this stranger was drugging the pet. He filmed the incident and immediately called the police.

The police quickly arrived at the scene and arrested everyone in the pet store. After interrogation, the police learned of their crime of selling protected animals. The criminals admitted to stealing expensive cats from residential areas and then selling them to pet shops.

Qi Lin's investigation has a happy ending. Not only did he successfully solve the case of Xiaoyu's missing cat, he also found a safe living environment for protecting animals. .

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