After Qi Lin conducted in-depth investigation, he found some clues. It turned out that Lin Yu and her boyfriend were both members of a cult. This cult believes that by sacrificing its members, they can gain eternal life. Lin Yu was selected as the target of this sacrifice, and her boyfriend was the executor.

Qi Lin finally found the hiding place of this cult. He exposed the crimes of this cult and wiped them out. He also found Lin Yu's real boyfriend and brought him back to the city.

In the end, Lin Yu's boyfriend was sentenced, and Lin Yu's family also received comfort. Qi Lin successfully solved this difficult love murder case and made the truth known to the world.

Qi Lin was holding a cup of coffee, sitting in front of a bright desk, facing the computer screen, and fell into deep contemplation. He is pursuing a commercial espionage case, and the clues are complicated, giving him a headache.

Suddenly, the phone on the desk rang, and Qi Lin quickly picked up the phone.

"Qi Lin, is that you?" An anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's me, who are you?" Qi Lin asked.

"I am Li Hua, the CEO of Huaxing Technology Company." The man on the other end of the phone said nervously, "I think you may have heard that a serious industrial espionage case recently occurred in our company."

Qi Lin put down the coffee in his hand and sat up straight, "Yes, I have heard about it. Do you need my help in investigating?"

"Exactly," Li Hua replied, "We hope to solve this problem as soon as possible and restore the company's reputation. We know it is difficult, but we need your help."

"Okay, I will try my best." Qi Lin said firmly, "I need you to provide some detailed information, including the specific content of the theft, and who you think is the most likely suspect."

Li Hua on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then said, "What was stolen was our company's latest generation chip design. We suspect that it was stolen by internal employees, because only internal employees have access to these secrets.

"Okay," Qi Lin said, "I will go to your company and interview you and your employees.

Qi Lin's investigation at Huaxing Technology Company did not yield much useful information. Although everyone cooperated with his investigation, everyone said that they did not steal the chip design. Qi Lin found this case a bit difficult because he didn't have any substantial clues.

The next day, Qi Lin decided to start with the stolen chip design drawings. He went to the R&D department of Huaxing Technology Company, hoping to find some clues from a professional perspective. Qi Lin found an engineer in a corner of the R&D department. His name was Wang Cheng, who was the most experienced chip designer at Huaxing Technology Company.

Qi Lin asked Wang Cheng some questions about the chip design drawings. Wang Cheng is a very serious person. He answered 407 Qi Lin's question. But he seemed unwilling to cooperate with Qi Lin.

Qi Lin noticed Wang Cheng's discomfort, so he asked, "Mr. Wang, you seem a little uneasy about this matter. Is it because you are worried about something?"

Wang Cheng hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "I'm not worried about anything, it's just... I just think this case is a little strange.

Qi Lin feels that Wang Cheng may have more information, why? Do you think there is anything wrong? "

Wang Cheng looked at Qi Lin, "I am responsible for the research and development of this chip, and I can tell you that the stolen chip design is not our latest version.

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