Qi Lin was stunned, "You mean, someone deliberately stole this design?"

Wang Cheng nodded, "Yes, I think someone stole it intentionally. Although this design is public within our company, there are problems with this version. In the latest version, we have fixed some known Errors. These errors all exist on the stolen design.

Qi Lin thought for a moment, "You mean, someone deliberately left these errors?"

Wang Cheng shook his head, "I don't know, but... I think it's possible."

Qi Lin felt that the information provided by Wang Cheng was very valuable, "Okay, thank you, Mr. Wang. I will continue to investigate this matter."

Qi Lin decided to talk to Li Hua again. When he raised his suspicions to Li Hua, Li Hua was very surprised.

"You mean, someone deliberately stole this problematic design?" Li Hua asked.

"Yes," Qi Lin replied, "I think it may be so."

Li Hua thought for a while, "So...what do you think this person's purpose is"~?"

Qi Lin fell into deep thought, "I think that the theft of this design drawing may be to cause internal conflicts in Huaxing Technology Company. This criminal hopes to use this problematic design drawing to cause chaos within the company, and may even cause a crisis for the company." "

Li Hua was shocked after hearing this, "You mean, someone wants to destroy our company?"

"It is possible," Qi Lin replied, "but this is just my guess at the moment. I need more evidence to support this hypothesis."

Qi Lin began to look for more clues within the company. He spoke privately with employees and reviewed company emails and documents to try to find more information about the case. He found that there were some dissatisfaction and disputes within the company. Some employees were dissatisfied with the company's management, and some employees might even know some of the company's business secrets.

Qi Lin continues to keep in touch with Wang Cheng. He asked Wang Cheng some more in-depth questions, including whether anyone within the company might know about the problematic design.

Wang Cheng thought for a while and then replied, "There is someone who may know that he is our former project manager and has now been fired. He has been exposed to this design drawing, and he is very dissatisfied with the company's management."

Qi Lin immediately recorded this information. He decided to find the former project manager and try to get more clues from him.

After some investigation, Qi Lin finally found the former project manager. He asked him about the design drawings, but the former project manager did not admit that he had stolen the design drawings. He only said that he had left the company and did not understand the current situation.

Qi Lin did not give up. He continued to ask, "If you didn't steal the design, can you explain why you knew there was a serious problem with this design?"

The former project manager hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "Okay, I admit that I know about the problem with this design drawing. But I just want to remind the company that there is a problem with this design drawing (Wang Lihao). I did not steal it." it."

Qi Lin felt that the former project manager's words were somewhat true, "Why do you want to remind the company that there is a problem with this design drawing?"

The former project manager looked at Qi Lin, “Because I don’t want to see the company suffer losses because of the projects I once worked on.

Qi Lin felt that this matter was getting more and more complicated. The words of the former project manager seemed to explain why he knew about the problem with the design drawings, but it did not prove that he was the criminal who stole the design drawings. .

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