Over the next few days, Qi Lin and the police chief investigated the town's wood processing plants, logistics companies and people who might have come into contact with the stolen trees. However, despite their efforts to follow the clues, they found nothing. Qi Lin felt very frustrated, and he even began to doubt his ability.

When he needed comfort most, his old friend Li Ming appeared.

Li Ming is an environmentalist, and he has been paying attention to the theft of the "127" forest. He provided new clues to Qi Lin: "I heard that in some remote places, people use stolen wood to build houses and make furniture."

This clue made Qi Lin cheer up again. He and Li Ming started a new investigation together. They visited builders and furniture manufacturers who used stolen wood and asked them about their sources and purchasing methods.

Although many people were reluctant to reveal too much information, Qi Lin and Li Ming gradually pieced together the outline of the illegal logger.

It turned out that the illegal logger was a man named Zhang San, who was once a famous timber merchant. However, due to excessive logging and illegal trading, his business gradually came to an end.

In order to regain his glory, he began to plan this illegal logging case.

He used his knowledge of the timber market and familiarity with the town's forests to successfully avoid the police and sell stolen timber to builders and furniture manufacturers.

Qi Lin and Li Ming finally found Zhang San's hiding place.

They found piles of stolen wood and some unprocessed bark.

In a corner, they also found a discarded drawing with a detailed map of a small town's forest and logging routes. This drawing became their key evidence against Zhang San.

When the sergeant led the police into the hiding place, Zhang San was sitting on a dilapidated wooden chair, holding a calculator in his hand, his eyes full of fear and despair.

He didn't resist, but lowered his head feebly. This scene made Qi Lin feel deeply relieved. He knew that they finally found the person who destroyed the forest.

In a quiet forest, a mysterious logger is secretly peering at the towering trees. He kept swinging the ax in his hand, and every blow made the tree tremble in pain. His face was covered with a black cloth, revealing only a pair of cold eyes... This illegal logger cut down trees one after another, but no one could stop him.

At this moment, the protagonist Detective Qi Lin came to this forest. He is a detective with keen insight and rich experience, specializing in solving various difficult cases. As soon as he saw the deforested forest, he immediately realized that this was an extremely serious case.

"It's so abominable!" Qi Lin said angrily, "This illegal logger must be brought to justice!"

He began investigating the scene, looking for any useful clues. In a felled bush, he found a piece of rag. He looked carefully and found that the piece of cloth was exactly the same as the cloth worn by the illegal logger.

"This clue may help me find the illegal logger." Qi Lin thought to himself.

He continued to investigate further and found some useful evidence. As he walked, he noticed some downed branches and broken leaves. These signs indicate that the illegal loggers felled along a straight line and did not cut for a long time.

"This illegal logger must not have gone far yet." Qi Lin thought to himself. .

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