He began to search around, hoping to find the hiding place of the illegal loggers. When he walked to a thick patch of grass, he suddenly heard some noises. He walked forward quickly and found a hidden cabin.

"This is the hiding place of the illegal loggers!" Qi Lin thought to himself.

He cautiously approached the cabin and looked inside through the window. He saw a man sitting inside with an ax in his hand. This man's face was covered with a black cloth, he was the illegal logger!

Qi Lin immediately took out his pistol and rushed into the cabin. He shouted loudly: "Put down the ax in your hand! You are under arrest now!"

The illegal logger was startled. He immediately dropped his ax and tried to escape. Qi Lin quickly chased after him and grabbed the thieves' shoulders. The illegal logger struggled to escape, but Qi Lin grabbed him by the collar and threw him to the ground.

"You are under arrest!" Qi Lin said again, "You need to take responsibility for your actions!"

The illegal logger glared at Qi Lin angrily, but he knew he could no longer escape. He was escorted back to the forest by Qi Lin. Facing the trees he chopped down, his crime had been confirmed.

"These trees are precious resources, why do you want to cut them down?" Qi Lin asked.

The illegal logger lowered his head and was silent for a moment. "I need money." He whispered, "My family is very poor, and I need money to support my family."

Qi Lin felt some sympathy for the illegal logger, but he knew that he could not take such illegal actions just because of poverty. He needs to take responsibility for his actions and protect this precious forest.

"You need to find other ways to make money." Qi Lin said, "Such behavior not only damages the environment, but is also illegal.

"I really don't know anything, officer. I'm just a coder, and I'm not from the Environmental Protection Agency." The man in Qi Lin's interrogation room was frightened and trembling all over.

"Really? Then how come your fingerprints appear on the sewage equipment? And it's still in the secret passage." Qi Lin said with a smile.

"I...I really don't know. I was just looking for my girlfriend that day. I accidentally got lost. I..." The man suddenly started crying.

"Okay, you can go." Qi Lin suddenly interrupted him, and the man looked confused.

"What did you say? I...I can leave?" The man couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes, you can go. I believe you are not the murderer." Qi Lin nodded affirmatively.

"I... thank you, officer. I really don't know anything." The man thought he had been wronged and ran away.

Qi Lin looked at his back and shook his head slightly. He knew that this man was not the murderer because he did not lie.

Qi Lin took out his mobile phone, checked the company's information, and found that the company had recently been acquired by a person named Yang Ming. 963 And this Yang Ming was recently elected as the president of the city's Environmental Protection Association.

Qi Lin felt that Yang Ming must be related to this case. So he decided to go find Yang Ming.

Yang Ming's company is in a luxurious office building. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a man in a suit sitting on the sofa and looking at the computer.

"Are you Yang Ming?" Qi Lin walked over and asked.

"Yes, I am Yang Ming. Who are you?" Yang Ming looked up at Qi Lin with a wary look on his face.

"I'm Qi Lin, a famous detective. I want to ask you some questions." Qi took out his ID.

"Detective? What do you want from me?" Yang Ming was a little surprised. .

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