Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

292: I’Ll Make Arrangements Right Away

Li Ming looked a little flustered under Qi Lin's gaze. He answered hesitantly: "I...I just provided some information..."

"Did you know that this information was used for illegal transactions?" Qi Lin's voice became more severe.

"I...I don't know..." Li Ming's voice became smaller and smaller.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, "Okay, we need you to provide more information." He glanced at Li Ming, "You will face serious legal consequences.

In the next few hours, Li Ming explained everything. He fell into financial difficulties because of his addiction to online games and was forced to provide help to criminal gangs. He avoided police tracking by hiding his IP address in an Internet cafe. However, his actions ultimately made him a suspect.

The case was satisfactorily resolved. Qi Lin and the police officers successfully cracked the cybercrime case.

Qi Lin stood on the cliff by the sea, looking at the rough waves below, and his heart was ups and downs. He is a unique detective, extremely smart, but he likes to be a loner and is not good at sociability. Cracking the smuggling case is a huge challenge in his career.

"Mr. Qi Lin, our people have been arranged. When are you going to start taking action?" Qi Lin's assistant Xiao Yang came over and asked.

Qi Lin looked at his watch. It was now nine o'clock in the evening, and there were still three hours before the operation started. He decided to go to the scene first to understand the situation.

After arriving at the scene, Qi Lin found that the place was in a mess. Smugglers dug a channel along the coastline to bring drugs in from the sea, and then transported the drugs inland through a tunnel. Their actions are so secretive that the police would never have been able to discover their whereabouts if someone hadn't reported them.

Qi Lin observed the scene carefully, and then said to Xiao Yang: "The smugglers are all very cunning people, and we must proceed with caution. You ask the police to prepare on the sea, and once the operation starts, immediately block the coastline."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Xiao Yang said and left.

Qi Lin observed the scene carefully again and began to make calculations in his mind. He needs to come up with a way to catch the smugglers in one fell swoop.

Time flies by quickly, and in a blink of an eye it’s time to take action. Qi Lin and Xiao Yang took a group of police officers into action, and they quietly approached the smugglers' hiding place.

…please give me flowers…………

Just when they were about to reach the hiding place, a burst of gunfire suddenly came from inside. Qi Lin and Xiao Yang immediately led the police and rushed in. "Song saw that the smugglers were exchanging fire fiercely.

Upon seeing this, Qi Lin immediately picked up a gun and rushed forward. While dodging bullets, he aimed at the enemy's head and fired. Soon, he defeated a smuggler


Immediately afterwards, the police rushed in and started a fierce exchange of fire with the smugglers. Eventually, the smugglers were all subdued.

When counting the loot, Qi Lin discovered that they had defeated a dozen smugglers in total and also seized a large amount of drugs. He felt very happy in his heart. This was a big victory in his career.

However, during this battle, several police officers were injured, one of whom was Xiao Yang's friend. This made Qi Lin feel very sad. He came to Xiao Yang and comforted him and said: "We won this battle together, and your friend is also our hero."

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