Xiao Yang was moved to tears after hearing Qi Lin's words. He wiped away his tears and said to Qi Lin: "Thank you, Mr. Qi Lin. I will always remember your words.

Qi Lin smiled and said nothing. He stood on the cliff by the sea and looked at the waves below, his heart still ups and downs. He knows that his career still has a long way to go, and he also knows that he has a great responsibility. But he also knows that as long as he has faith, courage, and wisdom, nothing can stop him from moving forward.

Qi Lin sat in the office, studying the details of the case intently. Recently, a series of sewage discharge incidents have occurred in the city, which has attracted public attention. Government officials were helpless, so they turned to Qi Lin for help.

Qi Lin produced a report detailing each pollution location and emission time. He took a deep breath and began to think.

"These sewage discharge incidents did not happen by chance. There must be a hidden conspiracy behind them. I want to find the mastermind behind the scenes and bring them to justice." Qi Lin said to himself.

At this moment, Qi Lin's cell phone rang. It was a call from the secretary of Mayor Mr. Li.

"Mr. Qi, the mayor wants to see you, please come over as soon as possible." The secretary said anxiously.

Qi Lin immediately cleared the files on the desktop, packed his tools, and went straight to the mayor's office. He opened the door and saw the mayor sitting behind his desk with a sad look on his face.

"Mr. Qi, you came at the right time. These sewage discharge incidents have caused us great trouble. I personally ordered an investigation into this matter, but nothing was found. Please help us find the criminals and provide solutions." Chang said anxiously.

Qi Lin nodded firmly and said that he would go all out to solve this problem. He asked the mayor for all the information on the case and asked for the support of some police officers.

"First of all, we need to understand the situation around each contaminated site. I will personally go to the site to investigate. Can you send a few police officers to accompany me?" Qi Lin asked.

After thinking for a moment, the mayor agreed to his request. Soon after, Qi Lin and several police officers arrived at the first contaminated site.

They searched the streets for clues and questioned nearby residents for more information. After a lot of conversations and investigation, they uncovered some clues that might help...

"It seems that the pollution occurs mostly in the middle of the night, and only lasts for about ten minutes each time. This means that someone must be behind it." Qi Lin thought.

"Then who do you think did it? Why did you do this?" a police officer asked curiously.

"I'm not sure yet, but we can start from the surrounding environment of the pollution site. We need to find companies or individuals related to the pollution incident." Qi Lin replied.

A few days later, during in-depth investigation, they discovered a suspicious chemical factory. The plant is located on the edge of the city, and its sewage treatment equipment is old and has loopholes.

Qi Lin and the police officers sneaked into the chemical plant to conduct surveillance and prepare for a raid. While searching for evidence in Episode 5.8, they encountered a suspicious employee.

"Sir, I am Qi Lin, a detective from the Ten Task Force. We suspect that this chemical plant is related to the sewage discharge case. Do you know anything about this?" Qi Lin asked calmly.

The employee looked nervous and replied in a low voice: "I'm just an ordinary worker and don't know anything about discharging sewage.


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