Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

294: Do You Think You Can Get Away With It?

Qi Lin observed his expression and tone and felt something was wrong. He took a deep breath and tried to lighten the mood.

"I believe you are innocent. But we need to find the truth and prevent these contamination incidents from continuing to occur. If you have any clues you can provide or recognize suspicious behavior, please let me know. Your cooperation will be protected." Qi Lin said in a firm but gentle tone.

The employee looked hesitant, and then cautiously said: "Actually, a few months ago, I noticed that a senior manager in the company would receive a mysterious phone call frequently before every pollution incident. He always Was leaving the office in a hurry, and then this happened. I'm not sure how much he had to do with these incidents, but 23 I felt it was worth investigating."

Qi Lin's heart moved, and he realized that this clue was very important. He immediately asked the police to follow the manager and launch a more in-depth investigation.

A few days later, officers reported that during surveillance they witnessed the manager receive a mysterious phone call and leave the office in a hurry. After they followed him for some time

He is found traveling to an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city.

Qi Lin quickly organized an action and led the police officers to the abandoned factory. When they broke into the factory, they found it empty and only what seemed to be a newly installed piece of equipment was in operation.

"What kind of equipment is this? Why is it here?" a police officer asked in confusion.

Qi Lin observed carefully and found that this was an advanced sewage treatment system. Everything suddenly dawned on him.

"This abandoned factory is used to treat discharged sewage!" Qi Lin exclaimed. "Moreover, that manager must be the mastermind behind this conspiracy. He took advantage of the loopholes in the chemical plant and transferred the sewage to the abandoned factory for treatment in order to cover up the truth and seek personal gain from it.

Qi Lin ordered the police officers to seal off the scene, collect evidence, and take the manager back to the police station for further investigation.

In the police station's interrogation room, Qi Lin stared at the manager. He showed confidence and calmness, and seemed not to intend to give an explanation easily.

"Do you think you can escape punishment? We already have enough evidence to accuse you of participating in the sewage discharge case. Those who confess will be given leniency, those who resist will be given strict punishment." Qi Lin said firmly.

The manager gave a wry smile, knowing that hiding it any longer would be useless. He dropped his pretense and began to confess.

"Yes, I admit that I participated in these sewage discharge cases. But I am not the only one behind the scenes. I am just a small role. There are bigger forces behind it controlling all of this." The manager said frankly.

Qi Lin was shocked and realized that this case was more complicated than imagined. He asked: "Can you tell us who is the real mastermind behind this? Why is this operation to discharge sewage carried out?"

The manager was silent for a moment and finally decided to bring everything out.

"The mastermind behind this is a powerful industrial company who secretly cooperates with government officials. They discharge sewage to avoid high environmental investment and obtain improper benefits. The whole plan is to gain more wealth and power." "The manager revealed the truth.

Qi Lin was shocked. The matter was more serious than he imagined. He knew he had to expose the conspiracy and bring the mastermind behind it to justice. .

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