Although Zhao Peng was a little scared, he still agreed to Li Ming's request. On the day of the incident, Li Ming called Zhao Peng and asked him to meet Lin Yan out. Zhao Peng complied, but he did not tell Lin Yan that he heard Li Ming's voice.

Qi Lin and Xiao Zhang took a deep breath. They finally found the truth of the case - Li Ming was the murderer, and he used Zhao Peng in order to cover up his whereabouts. And Zhao Peng

"503" did not tell the truth to the police because of his cowardice and fear.

During the subsequent interrogation, Li Ming confessed to his crime. He admitted that he accidentally killed Lin Yan because of a quarrel with her, and then used Zhao Peng to cover up his whereabouts.

But he insisted that he did not premeditate the murder, but made the wrong decision when he lost control of his emotions.

In the end, the court sentenced Li Ming to ten years in prison.

Zhao Peng was also sentenced to corresponding penalties for shielding Li Ming in the case. Qi Lin and Xiao Zhang became famous because they successfully solved the love murder case. They continue their detective work, constantly revealing the truth and mysteries hidden behind it.

On the city streets late at night, the lights are dim and there are few pedestrians. Qi Lin walked alone in the dark alley, feeling the cold night wind blowing on his cheeks. As a senior detective, he has long been accustomed to such an environment. However, something was different tonight.

He received an anonymous call informing him that a bizarre love-murder case had occurred in the heart of the city. It is said that the deceased was a young and beautiful woman who was soaked in blood when she was found. This news touched Qi Lin's heartstrings, and he decided to investigate the case personally.

Arriving at the crime scene, Qi Lin saw an apartment building covered with blockades. Police are busy processing the scene but can't seem to find any valuable clues. Qi Lin launched an investigation and carefully observed every corner. With years of experience, he could sense where a fierce fight had taken place in the room.

Gradually, Qi Lin began to notice some subtle traces. Scratches on the walls, blood stains on the floor, and handwritten notes left on the table. He knelt down and read the note carefully: "I know your secrets. If you don't act in accordance with my requirements, I will reveal everything..."

This note made Qi Lin think deeply. What secrets can drive people to murder? He began to search for people related to the victims, hoping to find the answer.

The next morning, Qi Lin came to the victim's home. Her name is Yang Xue, a young and promising entrepreneur. By talking to Yang Xue's friends and colleagues, Qi Lin learned that she has a cheerful and kind personality and has no enemies.

However, Qi Lin realized the fact that no one in this world would be completely without enemies. He began to investigate Yang Xue's background and found that she had participated in a major business cooperation, but was eventually forced to withdraw. Subsequently, her career gradually declined. 5.4

Qi Lin decided to find the partner Yang Xue worked with in the past, hoping to find a breakthrough in the case. He had face-to-face conversations with his then-partners.

"Hello, I'm Qi Lin. I have some questions about Yang Xue that I need to ask you." Qi Lin greeted the man with a smile.

"Are you a policeman?" The man looked at Qi Lin warily, obviously doubting his identity. .

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