"No, I am a private detective. I am investigating Yang Xue's case and hope to find the truth." Qi Lin explained patiently.

The man relaxed slightly, but still remained vigilant.

"I understand that you once had a business cooperation with Yang Xue. Can you tell me more details about this cooperation?" Qi Lin asked.

The man frowned and hesitated for a moment before replying: "Yes, we did have cooperation once. It was a very important business and involved huge capital investments. But unfortunately, the cooperation failed in the end. We parted ways.11

"Why did they part ways?" Qi Lin asked.

The man sighed, with a painful expression on his face: "Actually, we encountered some difficulties. When the transaction reached the final stage, I found that Yang Xue had some information that was not beneficial to us and tried to use it. This information was used to suppress our negotiating position. I felt very angry and disappointed, so I decided to withdraw from the cooperation. 11

Qi Lin thought for a moment, and then asked: "Do you think this secret may be related to Yang Xue's death?

The man was silent for a while, lowered his head and thought for a moment, and finally looked up at Qi Lin and said: "I'm not sure. But if Yang Xue's death is related to that cooperation, she may be threatened by others.

A doubt arose in Qi Lin's heart. He realized that more clues and evidence were needed to solve the mystery. He said goodbye to the man and left the scene.

Qi Lin returned to the office and began to sort out the evidence and observations related to the case. He put all the clues on the table and analyzed and scrutinized them carefully.

First, he reviewed the situation at the scene, the contents of the note, and Yang Xue’s background. Then, he thought about whether the secret mentioned by the man was related to Yang Xue's death.

"If that secret is indeed one of the motives, then it can be inferred that the murderer may be someone who knows about it." Qi Lin said to himself.

Next, Qi Lin began to review relevant documents and reports, trying to find other people who might have disputes with Yang Xue. After some investigation, he discovered a woman named Liu Jia, who had a conflict with Yang Xue over Shangya's interests.

In order to learn more about the situation, Qi Lin decided to meet with Liu Jia. He made an appointment with the time and place in advance and waited in a quiet cafe.

A moment later, a woman in business attire walked into the cafe. She glanced around and quickly found Qi Lin. After the two sat down, Qi Lin greeted them politely.

"Hello, I'm Qi Lin. I'm investigating Yang Xue's case and I heard that you had some disputes with her. Can you provide me with some information?

Liu Jia frowned, obviously feeling uneasy about the arrival of Qilin 973. But she still replied: "Yes, we once had a dispute during a certain business cooperation."

"So, can you tell me the specific reason for the dispute?" Qi Lin asked Liu Jia.

Liu Jia hesitated for a moment, and then said: "This cooperation involves an important project, which is very critical for both of us. But during the negotiation process, Yang Xue suddenly made an additional request, which violated our previous agreement. I thought her behavior was unfair, so I firmly opposed her request. In the end, our cooperation ended in failure, and we each looked for other partners.

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