"Did you see the license plate number clearly?" Qi Lin asked.

The woman shook her head, "I was too scared at the time and didn't notice the license plate. But I remember that the car was a black sedan."

Qi Lin nodded, knowing that this clue was of limited value. "Don't worry, we will try our best to find the driver who caused the accident." He comforted.

After returning to the office, Qi Lin began to study the details of the case. He scrutinized photos of the scene, looking for any clues that might have been overlooked.

Xiao Yang came in and handed him a report. "This is the testimony of eyewitnesses. They said they saw a middle-aged man fleeing the scene."

Qi Lin frowned, "We need more eyewitness testimony. Contact the witnesses to see if there are other clues that can be followed."

Xiao Yang nodded and left the office. At the same time, Qi Lin began to investigate the vehicle. He scanned the city's surveillance videos [hoping to find any trace of the black sedan].

A few hours later, Xiao Yang returned to the office. "Mr. Qi, I found a witness who said he saw the direction in which the middle-aged man fled.

"Very good, let's go find him." Qi Lin quickly stood up and took Xiao Yang to the location of the witness.

The witness was an old man sitting in the living room of his home, staring into the distance. Qi Lin walked in and asked with a smile: "Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. Can you please describe what happened at that time?"

The old man spoke slowly: "I was walking on the street when I suddenly heard a loud noise and saw a middle-aged man jump out of the car and then hurriedly ran into the alley."

Qi Lin thanked the old man for his testimony and left his contact information for follow-up investigation. After leaving the witness's home, he and Xiao Yang returned to the office and began to analyze these newly obtained clues0

"We have two key points," Qi Lin said. "First, the vehicle involved in the accident was a black car; second, the attacker saw a middle-aged man fleeing into the alley."

Xiao Yang took out a map and marked the alley mentioned by the witness. "If we can find the surveillance video of the alley, we may be able to see the middle-aged man." He suggested.

Qi Lin nodded in agreement and began to use police resources to collect surveillance videos of relevant alleys. After a long wait, they finally got a valuable surveillance video.

In the video, a black car is captured then parked at the end of the alley. Not long after, a middle-aged man hurriedly jumped out of the car and ran toward the depths of the alley.

Qi Lin decided to investigate the alley, hoping to find more evidence. He and Xiao Yang came to the scene and searched every corner carefully. At the end of the alley, they found a scratched parking lock.

"This is probably where the vehicle is parked." Qi Lin said, "Maybe we can find more clues. (Okay)"

They began to ask surrounding residents, hoping that someone had seen it or knew about it. After some hard work, a neighboring country provided important clues.

"I remember a few days ago, there was a black car parked here in this alley. Later I heard that someone knocked down a girl and the driver ran away," the neighbor recalled.

Qi Lin's heart moved. This information was consistent with the case. He quickly recorded this clue and continued to investigate further. .

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