Back in the office, Qi Lin began to analyze all the clues and evidence. He compared eyewitness accounts with surveillance video and items such as parking locks.

"Xiao Yang, I believe the vehicle responsible for the accident is the black car parked in the alley." Qi Lin pointed to the mark on the map and said, "Also, I think the driver is probably the middle-aged man mentioned by the witness. "

Xiao Yang's eyes lit up, "Then what should we do now?"

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then said: "We need to investigate the owner of this black car. Maybe they can provide more information.

The two quickly launched an investigation and determined the identity of the car owner through the vehicle registration information. They went to the man's residence and knocked on the door.

A middle-aged man opened the door and looked a little nervous when he saw Qi Lin and Xiao Yang. "Are you the police? I didn't do anything bad."

Qi Lin smiled and explained: "I am Detective Qi Lin. We investigated a hit-and-run case. Based on the clues, we found that your car was related to the case. Can you tell us the situation at that time?"

The car owner's face suddenly turned pale, and he stammered in reply: "I...I was indeed driving the car at the time, but I didn't see anyone being knocked down. A cat suddenly rushed out, I think. I tried to avoid it and hit a tree on the side of the road, and then I ran away in fear."

Qi Lin (chaj) observed the car owner's expression and words and felt that there seemed to be some unknown facts hidden in them. "Can you cooperate with our investigation? We need to conduct a detailed inspection of your vehicle and verify your testimony."

The car owner hesitated for a moment and finally nodded. "Okay, come in."

They followed the owner into the house and began investigating the vehicle. In the garage, Qi Lin discovered some unusual signs - the scratches on the front of the vehicle were not consistent with a collision with a tree, but more like a collision with a pedestrian.

"This scratch looks very suspicious." Qi Lin pondered, "Also, about the cat you mentioned before, can we find some other witnesses to confirm this?

The car owner's face became even more nervous, "Actually, I made that cat up. I... I bumped into a girl, but I panicked at the time, so I ran away."

Qi Lin's eyes flashed with a firm light. "You did something wrong, but now it's time to face responsibility. Please tell us the details and we will fully cooperate with you to solve this problem."

The owner of the car tremblingly confessed everything. He admitted his fault and provided information about the victim.

Qi Lin and Xiao Yang immediately passed the victim's information to the hospital to ensure that she received timely treatment. Next, they launch a comprehensive investigation to collect evidence to ensure that the driver responsible cannot be punished by law.

After unremitting efforts, they found other witnesses who saw the entire incident. At the same time, surveillance video also captured footage of the accident.

Qi Lin summoned all relevant personnel, including the driver, victims and witnesses, to have an important dialogue at the police station.

"Based on the evidence and the testimony of eyewitnesses, we can confirm that the driver responsible for the accident was you." Qi Lin pointed to the car owner, "It was wrong for you to run away, but the most important thing now is to take your own responsibility. You must be responsible for your actions. ".

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