The car owner lowered his head, his voice full of regret and repentance. "I know what I did was wrong and I shouldn't escape. Please believe me, I will cooperate with the police investigation and accept punishment.

Qi Lin nodded in affirmation. "We will submit this evidence to the prosecution to ensure you receive a fair trial. At the same time, we will contact the victim to ensure she receives compensation and support."

Qi Lin looked at the man in front of him. His name was Xu Fei, and he was the only survivor of the arson case.

"Mr. Xu, can you tell me where you were when the incident happened?" Qi Lin asked.

Xu Fei said tremblingly: "I...I was walking alone by the river in the east of the city."

"Can anyone prove it?" Qi Lin asked next.

"No, I went alone and didn't tell anyone." Xu Fei's answer seemed a bit shameless.

"Did you notice anything unusual on the night of the incident? For example, did you see any suspicious figures before the fire?" Qi Lin asked.

Xu Fei thought seriously, "No, I didn't see anyone.

Qi Lin was silent for a while, and then said, "Well, have you heard any sounds? For example, an explosion or a cry for help?"

Xu Fei was a little confused, "I don't know, I might have been a little confused at the time, everything happened too fast."

Qi Lin nodded, "Okay, thank you, Mr. Xu. If you think of any useful information, please feel free to contact me."

After saying goodbye to Xu Fei, Qi Lin fell into deep thought. According to his investigation, the fire appeared to be a targeted murder. However, no strong evidence can be found to prove this, either from the traces at the scene or from Xu Fei's testimony.

Suddenly, Qi Lin remembered something, and he turned back to the room where Xu Fei was. "Mr. Xu, do you remember the appearance of the arsonist?"

Xu Fei was obviously stunned for a moment, "I... I only remember that he was wearing black clothes and his face was covered by a hat."

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation." Qi Lin nodded. At least it was a clue, weak as it was, but better than nothing.

In the next few days, Qi Lin conducted a series of investigations around the fire scene. He discovered a strange phenomenon: surrounding residents claimed to have seen a man wearing black clothes wandering nearby before the fire broke out. However, when Qi Lin asked about this person's specific appearance, they all said they couldn't see clearly.

……Please give me flowers…………

On the other hand, Xu Fei is also cooperating with Qi Lin's investigation. He kept recalling the scene on the night of the incident, trying to find possible clues. However, because the situation at that time was too chaotic

The information he could provide was very limited.


Qi Lin was in trouble. The clues to the case have been broken, and there is no one to follow. He begins to doubt whether he will ever find the truth. However, at this moment, he received an anonymous letter. The letter said that they knew who the real culprit in the arson case was. Qi Lin immediately responded to the letter and made an appointment with the anonymous person.

In a tavern, Qi Lin met the anonymous person. He is an old man over fifty years old, with a mysterious aura about him.

The old man told Qi Lin that he had seen a strange figure near the fire scene. The man was wearing black clothes and his face was covered by a hat. Moreover, this person seemed to be very familiar with the layout of the fire scene. .

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