Qi Lin felt excited after hearing what the old man said. He finally found a new clue. However, when he asked the old man for more information about this person, the old man said that he had left that place and never came back.

Qi Lin felt a little disappointed, but he did not give up. He decided to investigate more closely near the fire scene.

After several days of observation and questioning, he discovered a new clue. In a remote corner, he found a black dress and a hat. The clothing was apparently left on purpose to provide cover for the arsonist.

Qi Lin immediately told his assistant about the incident, and together they took the clothes back to the police station for further inspection. Through technical means, they discovered that the clothes actually had Xu Fei's fingerprints.

Qi Lin immediately went to Xu Fei and asked him about the clothes. When Xu Fei heard this question, his face turned very pale. He finally admitted that the clothes were left by him

He is the real arsonist.

Qi Lin was shocked. He looked at Xu Fei in front of him and felt unbelievable. Why would Xu Fei do such a thing?

Xu Fei took a deep breath and began to tell his story. It turned out that his company went bankrupt due to the economic crisis, and he was in huge trouble. He didn't want anyone to know about his situation, let alone his wife and children. Therefore, he chose to set a fire in an attempt to obtain insurance compensation.

Qi Lin felt sad in his heart as he listened to Xu Fei's explanation. This seemingly ordinary man turned to crime because of the pressure of life. However, the law is ruthless and he must bear the consequences of his actions.

Xu Fei was taken away.

Qi Lin looked at his back and sighed deeply.

He knew that there were many people like Xu Fei in the world who were on the road of no return because of the pressure of life.

He hopes that through his own efforts, more people can see the truth of the world and stop committing crimes.

On the edge of the city, Qi Lin sat quietly on a park bench, facing a yellowing lake, his eyes deep and firm. As a detective, he had just cracked a tough kidnapping case.

He was holding a cup of hot tea in his hand, and the tea was steaming slightly in the cold winter wind... He looked at the lake, as if looking for answers, and as if remembering the past. His thoughts drifted away in the cold wind, like the steam from that cup of hot tea, both vague and real.

"Qi Lin." A voice broke the silence. Qi Lin looked up and saw his old friend Li Ming. Li Ming is a policeman and Qi Lin's friend. They have faced many difficulties and dangers together, but every time, they can get through it together.

"Did you really crack that kidnapping case?" Li Ming asked, his eyes full of admiration and curiosity.

Qi Lin nodded slightly, "Yes, I found the kidnapped child."

Li Ming sat down, facing the lake with Qi Lin, "Can you tell me how you found him?"

Qi Lin took a deep breath and began to describe his investigation process. Starting from the initial clues, he described how he gradually pieced together the truth of the entire case, how he analyzed the hiding place of the traffickers, and how he successfully rescued the abducted children. His language is fluent and vivid, which seems to bring Li Ming into a world full of challenges and thrills. .

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