Li Ming was fascinated by what he heard, and his respect for Qi Lin increased even more. He knew that Qi Lin was an excellent detective, but this case made him truly feel Qi Lin's wisdom and courage.

Qi Lin finished telling his story, and both of them were silent for a moment. Then, Li Ming said: "Qi Lin, how did you do it?"

Qi Lin looked at him and smiled, "I'm just looking for the truth. Everyone is likely to make mistakes at some point, and those mistakes are the clues for us to find the truth. 27

"You really found the truth." Li Ming said with emotion, "Where is that child now?"

Qi Lin's eyes softened, "He returned to his family. They were reunited."

Li Ming nodded, "This is a happy ending.

Qi Lin smiled and said, "Yes, but this is also my responsibility as a detective."

The two were silent for a moment, then they stood up and walked towards the exit of the park. Before leaving, Li Ming said something to Qilin: "You are a real hero, Qilin."

Qi Lin smiled and did not answer. He just kept moving forward, heading towards an unknown future. He knows that he has more challenges waiting for him, but he also believes that he can face them. Because he is a detective, his mission is to find the truth and reveal the facts.

As night fell, Qi Lin returned to his apartment. He sat quietly at the desk and looked at the cup of tea that had cooled.

He thought of the kidnapped child, his family, their smiles and tears of gratitude. He knew it was one of his fondest memories and one of his greatest achievements as a detective.

On this day, an arson case broke the tranquility of the city, and the entire building was swallowed up in flames. As the main person in charge of the investigation team, Qi Lin immediately rushed to the scene to launch the investigation.

The fire is fierce and black smoke is billowing, and police and firefighters are doing their best to put it out. Qi Lin walked through the crowd, carefully stepping on the ashes, and came to the place where the burning was most severe. he puts on gloves

Carefully observe the remaining flames. Suddenly, he found an unusual trace - a set of keys clearly visible in a pile of ashes.

This was a major clue for Qi Lin, who put the key into a plastic bag for further analysis in the subsequent investigation. Qi Lin decided to find out the source of the key first, because it might be the key to them finding the criminal.

The next day, Qi Lin came to a nearby hotel, and the number on the key matched the room number of this hotel. He approached the hotel manager and asked to see the surveillance video. While watching the video, he spotted a figure in black who had entered the room shortly before the arson.

Qi Lin immediately took the video away and decided to further investigate this mysterious figure. He summoned members of the investigation team, including senior detective Li Hao, technical expert Lu Ting and psychologist Wang Yuqi.

Qi Lin: Hello everyone, we now have some key clues. According to the surveillance video, we know that a person entered the room before the arson, and he may be the culprit. Li Hao, please do a background check first to see if there is any information related to this person.

Li Hao: OK, I will investigate as soon as possible.

Lu Ting: I can use the latest technical means to analyze the video to see if I can find more clues. .

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