On this day, a troubling jewelry theft case was placed in front of him.

It is said that a famous brand jewelry store was invaded by unknown thieves last night, and priceless jewelry was stolen. The police found some clues after investigating the scene, but they were unable to find any useful information. So, they asked Qi Lin to help solve the case.

Qi Lin arrived at the jewelry store and began to study the scene. He put on gloves and carefully observed every detail. He checked the display counter, window glass, and retrieved surveillance video. However, what puzzled him was that there were no signs of damage or fingerprints left. This made him more certain that this was a well-planned crime.

Qi Lin began to question the clerk. They walked into Qi Lin's office one by one and told what happened that night. However, he did not get any valuable clues from their 910 calls. This made the case more complicated, and Qi Lin realized that this was a clever criminal.

In the next few days, Qi Lin was immersed in the study of the case. He read numerous similar theft reports and communicated with other detectives and (ccaj) police officers. He dug into the background of the jewelry store, the owner's financial records and the background information of its employees. However, he still felt trapped.

Just when he almost gave up, an anonymous call came into his office. The other party claimed to know the identity of the prisoner and provided some key information. Qi Lin sounded very excited, and he seized the opportunity to ask the other person on the phone to describe it in detail.

"Hello, who are you? How do you know the key information of this case?" Qi Lin asked in a calm tone.

"I am your friend, and I discovered some clues by chance." The other party replied mysteriously.

"Please tell me everything you know." Qi Lin asked impatiently.

The other person began to tell a shocking story. He revealed that a senior employee of the jewelry store had been fired for corruption, and he was related to the theft. Moreover, the prisoner hid in an abandoned building near the jewelry store, sneaking in and out at night, and set up many complex traps to protect himself.

Upon hearing the news, Qi Lin immediately organized action. He took his men and the police to the abandoned building, preparing to capture the prisoner. They carefully searched every corner, carefully avoiding possible traps. Qi Lin's team acted in tacit understanding in the dark, relying on their well-trained intuition and keen observation to solve difficult problems.

Finally, they discovered a hidden room on the top floor of the building that seemed to be the prisoner's hiding place. Qi Lin opened the door, and there were all kinds of jewelry and valuables flashing inside. This room is full of mystery and weirdness, and the walls are covered with various symbols and clues.

"We found it!" Qi Lin shouted overjoyed.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came: "Do you think you can find me easily?"

Qi Lin looked back and saw a figure walking out of the darkness. He is a tall man wearing a black coat with a stern expression on his face. He is the mastermind behind the jewelry theft.

"You must be the employee who was fired." Qi Lin said calmly.

The prisoner smiled and nodded: "Yes, I am a person driven by greed and malice. I want to take revenge through this theft."

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