"Why not choose a better way to solve the problem?" Qi Lin tried to have a dialogue with the prisoner.

The prisoner looked at Qi Lin, and his eyes seemed to reveal a trace of regret: "Maybe you are right, but it is too late. I have become addicted to this illegal method and cannot extricate myself." His voice was full of helplessness and regret.

Qi Lin understood the prisoner's inner anguish and believed that everyone has a chance to reform. Therefore, he tried to communicate with the prisoner with understanding and sympathy.

"You still have the opportunity to make a new choice, put down the path of crime, and start over." Qi Lin persuaded, "I believe you can find a better path."

The prisoner fell into deep thought, and his eyes became complicated. Finally, he nodded slowly.

"Maybe you are right, maybe I really need to change." The prisoner whispered.

At this time, the police quickly subdued the prisoner and took him back to the police station to face legal sanctions. Qi Lin's mission was accomplished "He helped the police collect enough evidence to convict.

A few days later, during a court hearing, the prisoner expressed remorse and reflection on his actions. The court finally convicted him of his crime and gave him appropriate punishment. This jewelry theft was also resolved in a fair manner.

"Qi Lin, what do you think?" Opposite him, his partner Li Yue was staring at the case documents, frowning and thinking.

"This poisoning case is somewhat unusual." Qi Lin spoke slowly, his voice low and steady, "There is no clear motive, no clear suspect, and no clues left. It's like..." He paused, "It's as if the poisoner deliberately made it impossible for us to attack."

Li Yue raised her head and looked at Qi Lin: "You mean, this is a premeditated crime?"

Qi Lin nodded: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. Moreover," he pointed to a place in the document, "Look here, the victim's identity, social status, and interpersonal relationships are all irregular. If it is for revenge, , or for profit, then there will always be some clues that can be pursued. But this case seems to have been carefully wiped clean, leaving no trace at all."

Li Yue took a deep breath: "Then where should we start?"

Qi Lin was silent for a while, and then said: "Start from the most basic. Let's first investigate the victim's living habits and social activities to see if we can find some clues. At the same time, check to see if there have been any recent incidents. Look at similar cases and see if there is anything we can learn from.”

…Please give me flowers…

Li Yue nodded: "Okay, I'll do it right away." She picked up the document, stood up and left.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Li Yue conducted in-depth investigations. They found some of the victim's friends, colleagues, and even family members and conducted detailed inquiries. They also studied the victims' eating habits and living habits, trying to find possible ways of poisoning.


However, despite their efforts to find clues, there is still no clue to the case. Every day, they seem to be groping in the dark, hoping to find the light that illuminates the future.

Until one day, Qi Lin found some strange emails on the victim's computer. The content of the email was all trivial, but the sender surprised him and commented that it was an anonymous account.

"Is it possible that this account belongs to a poisoner?" Li Yue looked at the computer screen and asked. .

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