Qi Lin thought for a moment: "It's possible. But this account didn't leave any traceable information, and we can't be sure of its authenticity." He paused, "However, we can try to start with this account and see if we can No clues can be drawn.”

So, they started monitoring this anonymous account. In the next few days, there was no movement on the account. However, just when they were about to lose their patience, the account "240" suddenly received a new email.

"Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the evening, the same place." The content of the email was short and cryptic.

"Old place?" Li Yue looked at the screen, "What does this mean?"

"I don't know." Qi Lin shook his head, "But we can only go and take a look."

At eight o'clock the next night, Qi Lin and Li Yue arrived at the agreed place. It was a shabby bar located on the edge of the city. The dim lights and shabby furniture all showed the age of the place.

They sat down in the corner of the bar and waited quietly. Not long after, a man in black walked into the bar. He looked around and then walked towards them.

"Is that you?" the man in black asked, his voice low and hoarse.

"Who are you?" Qi Lin asked.

"I am a poisoner." The man in black said bluntly.

Qi Lin and Li Yue were stunned. They didn't expect that someone would actually claim to be a poisoner.

"Why are you doing this?" Qi Lin asked coldly.

"Why?" The man in black smiled, "I just want to see if the world is really like what we see. Now, I have the answer." He paused, "You can't catch me , because you will never know what my real motivation is." After saying that, he turned and left.

Qi Lin and Li Yue sat there, watching the back of the man in black disappear into the darkness. They understood the fact that the poisoner was a mentally disturbed person. His motive is not revenge or profit, but just to satisfy his curiosity and bad taste. His criminal behavior is like a game. For such criminals, they cannot be tracked and caught using conventional investigation methods. This is a new challenge that requires them to change their strategies and understand and capture the poisoner from a psychological perspective....

"What should we do?" Li Yue broke the silence.

"We need to conduct a psychological analysis of this insane poisoner." Qi Lin's eyes flashed with determination, "Only by understanding his thinking and behavior patterns can we predict his next move and bring him to justice. Law."

In the following days, they began to conduct in-depth psychological analysis of the man in black. They re-examined all the clues, trying to find the psychological characteristics of the poisoner. They studied his email language patterns, they analyzed his behavioral patterns, and they even tried to understand his worldview and outlook on life. It was a tedious and complicated job, but they persisted because they knew that this 3.4 was the only way to find the poisoner.

After countless days and nights of hard work, they finally found the psychological characteristics and behavioral patterns of the poisoners. Qi Lin and Li Yue quietly waited for the poisoner's next move. The poisoner was finally captured in an operation.

This is the latest large-scale animal trafficking case. The suspect is very cunning and did not leave any obvious clues.

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