Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

506: Get Started With Transportation Methods

"It seems that we have to start with transportation." Qi Lin said.

Assistant Li Waner on the side nodded: "I have asked people to investigate all possible transportation methods, but..."

"But what?" Qi Lin asked.

"There seems to be a huge force behind this case." Li Waner said in a deep voice.

Qi Lin was silent for a moment, and then said: "Then we have to be more careful. No matter who is behind it, we cannot let them continue to hurt these innocent animals.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Li Waner conducted a lot of investigations. They tracked several suspicious trucks, but they could only catch some gangsters every time, and could not find the real mastermind at all.

One night, Qi Lin was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. He suddenly thought of something, picked up his phone and sent a message to Li Waner: "Check where these trafficked animals ended up."

It didn't take long for Li Waner to reply: "There is an underground auction house, which is the final destination of these animals."

"Then let's go there and have a look." Qi Lin decided.

The next night, Qi Lin and Li Waner came to the underground auction house. The atmosphere here was very strange. The auctioneer shouted loudly with a microphone, and people in the audience held up signs to bid.

"These people are so abominable!" Li Waner said angrily.

Qi Lin nodded and saw a middle-aged man in a black suit who looked very suspicious. Qi Lin decided to follow him to see what his background was.

The middle-aged man walked out of the auction house, and Qi Lin and Li Waner followed him. They passed through dark alleys and finally came to an abandoned warehouse.

There were sounds of animal roars coming from the warehouse. Qi Lin and Li Waner looked at each other and slipped in quietly. They saw a heartbreaking picture: iron cages filled with various animals, locked in a small space, their eyes full of fear and despair.

"We must rescue these animals and expose the crimes of these people!" Li Waner said through gritted teeth.

Qi Lin nodded: "You go and call the police, I'll keep an eye on you from here."

Li Waner slipped out quietly, while Qi Lin hid in a corner and waited quietly. Not long after, a middle-aged man walked in and began to inspect the iron cages one by one.

"It seems that he is the mastermind behind this." Qi Lin thought to himself.

At this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly discovered Qi Lin's existence. His expression changed, and he pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Qi Lin: "Who are you? How dare you come here!"

Qi Lin looked at him calmly: "I am a policeman. You have been suspected of animal trafficking. Put down the 657 gun now and let us arrest you!"

The middle-aged man sneered: "Do you think I will give in so easily? Let me tell you, there is a group of my men here, and they will arrive soon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the warehouse was knocked open, and a group of big men armed with sticks rushed in. Qi Lin was agile and evaded their attacks, and then began to fight back.

After a fierce battle, Qi Lin finally subdued these big men, and the middle-aged man was also arrested and brought to justice. The police rushed to the scene and rescued all the imprisoned animals.

"We succeeded!" Li Waner said excitedly. .

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