Qi Lin nodded: "This is just the beginning, we will continue to work hard to protect more animals from harm.

Qi Lin was sitting in his office, looking at the lush trees outside the window, thinking about a recent case of tree theft. This case has attracted widespread attention in the local area, but the police have never found any clues to solve the case.

The door was pushed open, and a police officer walked in and said to Qi Lin: "Detective Qi, we just received a new case and need your help."

"What case is it?" Qi Lin asked.

"Trees-cutting case," the officer replied.

Qi Lin nodded and began to listen to the police officer's detailed introduction to the case. According to the police officer, cases of illegal felling of trees have frequently occurred in some remote areas of the area recently. These illegal fellers often come out at night, chop down some precious trees, and then quickly flee the scene. Because these areas are inaccessible, it is difficult for police to catch criminals.

"We need your help to find these hackers," the officer said.

"I will try my best." Qi Lin replied. He began to analyze the circumstances of the case and asked some detailed questions. According to police accounts, he quickly had some ideas.

"We need to go to the scene to take a look." Qi Lin said.

Together with the police officers, he went to the location of recent hacking incidents. This is a dense forest with tall and straight trees and dense and lush leaves. Qi Lin carefully observed the situation at the scene and found some interesting clues.

"These illegal fellers seem to have a certain choice of tree species." Qi Lin said, "And the trees they cut down are relatively old, which shows that they also have certain requirements for the age of the trees."

The police officer nodded, agreeing with Qi Lin's view. "What should we do next?" the officer asked.

"We need to find the motive of these illegal fellers." Qi Lin replied, "They must have a purpose in cutting down these trees. We need to find out where they transported these trees and who they sold them to."

As a result, Qi Lin and the police officers began to investigate in surrounding towns and villages. They asked local residents and traders to try to find any clues related to the illegal cutting case. After several days of hard work, they finally found a key clue.

"A trader told us that he once bought some very precious wood from a stranger," the police officer said. "It is said that these wood were cut down from this forest."

"Then we need to find this stranger." Qi Lin decided, "He is probably one of the hackers. w

Through further investigation, Qi Lin and the police officers finally found the stranger's hiding place. They quietly approached the stranger's house and suddenly rushed in. Inside the house, they found a large amount of precious wood, as well as tools and vehicles for felling trees.

Stranger Mo (played by Li Zhaohao) tried to escape, but was caught by Qi Lin and the police officer. After interrogation, they learned that the stranger was a member of a logging gang that specifically selected ancient and precious trees to cut down, and then sold the wood to traders for huge profits.

"We successfully cracked this tree-cutting case!" Qi Lin and the police officer announced happily. They announced the results of the case to the public and called on everyone to protect forest resources and jointly maintain the ecological environment. .

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