Qi Lin was sitting in the office, looking at the pouring rain outside the window, thinking a lot. The weather today was just like his mood at the moment, gloomy, complicated, full of doubts and confusion. The sewage discharge case he just received made him feel an inexplicable pressure.

The door was pushed open, and an official from the Environmental Protection Bureau walked in with a serious expression: "Detective Qi, the impact of this sewage discharge case is very large, and we need to find the real culprit as soon as possible.

Qi Lin nodded and motioned for the other party to sit down: "I understand, can you provide me with some specific circumstances of the case?"

The official handed over a stack of documents: "This is all the information we have so far. On the night of the incident, someone discharged a large amount of sewage into a nearby river, seriously polluting the water source. However, the suspect was very cunning and did not leave any obvious clues. .

Qi Lin took the document, looked through it carefully, and asked: "So, is it possible that it was done by people within the company? They know better the timing and method of emissions.

The official frowned: "We have also considered this possibility, but after investigation, no obvious motive or suspect was found within the company."

Qi Lin pondered for a moment: "Then, we need to look for clues from the outside. First, I need to understand the specific method and time of discharging sewage, as well as the source of the sewage.

The official replied: "The way of discharging sewage is through a hidden pipe, leading directly to the river. It was late at night, and the surveillance video did not capture any suspicious people. We are testing the source of the sewage, but the preliminary judgment is that it is enterprise production wastewater."

Qi Lin nodded: "Okay, I will start the investigation from these aspects. In addition, I would like to ask, is it possible that there are political factors involved in this case?"

The official's face changed: "We can't be sure about this, but it has attracted widespread public attention and has a very large political impact."

Qi Lin took a deep breath: "I understand. I will find the real culprit as soon as possible and give the public an explanation." After sending the officials away, Qi Lin began to investigate. He first came to the crime scene and looked for clues along the hidden pipe. By the river, he found some strange traces and immediately took pictures to collect evidence.

Subsequently, he came to the company involved in the case and had a detailed understanding of the company's production process. At the same time, he also contacted some employees to try to find possible clues. However, everything did not go smoothly and the case seemed to have reached a deadlock.

In the next few days, Qi Lin kept running between various relevant departments, looking for clues. He conducted a large number of dialogues and exchanges with business leaders, employees, Environmental Protection Bureau officials, chemists and others. Everyone seems to have their own secrets and concealments, which makes the case even more confusing.

During the investigation, Qi Lin also encountered many obstacles and difficulties. Some people tried to obstruct his investigation, and some threatened and intimidated him, but he did not give up. He firmly believes that as long as he persists, he will definitely find the real murderer.

Finally one night, Qi Lin found the key clue while sitting in the office looking through the information. A comparison of the company's production records and sewage test results revealed that one night the company produced a large amount of products but discharged almost no wastewater. This made him suspicious, so he decided to go to the company again the next day. .

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