The next day Qi Lin came to the company early and found the person in charge and asked: "Did you reduce production significantly one night?" The person in charge looked at him in surprise and nodded.

"That night was a day for maintenance of our equipment, so the output was reduced a lot. But does this matter have anything to do with sewage discharge?"

"It has a great relationship." Qi Lin said, "During the investigation, I found that your production records and sewage discharge volume do not match. Do you have any other ways to discharge sewage?" The face of the person in charge suddenly changed: "I don't Nothing more to say.”

Qi Lin followed closely and asked: "Don't you want to take responsibility for this pollution incident? Don't you want to give an explanation to the injured public?" His tone was stern and firm. The person in charge was speechless and lowered his head: "You are right. We secretly discharged the sewage, and Japan will be responsible for it."

After further interrogation and investigation, other criminal suspects were also arrested and shouldered corresponding responsibilities.

Qi Lin was sitting on the sofa in the office, looking at the night outside the window, holding a cigarette in his hand, and his thoughts drifted to the recent smuggling case.

"This smuggling case is getting more and more interesting," he said to himself.

The door was pushed open, and his partner, Li Wan, came in.

"Why are you still here?" Li Wan asked, "Aren't you sleeping?"

"I'm thinking about the smuggling case. There must be something behind this case that we don't know about," Qi Lin said.

"We have caught the smuggler, wouldn't the case be considered solved?" Li Wan asked.

"This is just a superficial phenomenon," Qi Lin said. "We need to find the real mastermind behind the smuggling."

"Do you have any clues?" Li Wan asked.

"A little bit, but I'm not sure yet." Qi Lin said, "I need time to think about it."

"Then what are you going to do?" Li Wan asked.

"I'm going to the site to have a look," Qi Lin said, "Can you go with me?"

They came to the smuggling scene, a dilapidated warehouse. Qi Lin carefully observed everything around him, looking for possible clues. He noticed a small piece of paper in the corner with some numbers written on it.

"What is this?" Li Wan asked.

"This may be the quantity or amount of smuggling." Qi Lin said, "We need further investigation."

They returned to the office and began investigating what the numbers meant. After a period of hard work, they finally discovered the true meaning of these numbers. It turned out that this was a record of a huge smuggling transaction.

…Please give me flowers…

"We need to find the man behind the scenes and make him pay for this transaction." Qi Lin said.

They began to trace the flow of funds and eventually discovered a mysterious organization called "The Hand of Darkness". After in-depth investigation, they discovered that this organization was involved in many smuggling cases and was a huge criminal network.

During the tracking process, they encountered many dangers and obstacles, but they never gave up. They engage in a thrilling struggle against the hand of darkness.

In a crucial confrontation, Qi Lin and Li Wan successfully forced the leader of the Dark Hand into a desperate situation. Faced with overwhelming evidence, the leader of the Dark Hand reluctantly confessed his crime.

After this struggle, Qi Lin and Li Wan finally revealed the truth behind the smuggling case and brought the criminals to justice. They also received praise and awards from their superiors for successfully solving the case.

"We succeeded!" Qi Lin cheered, "We finally revealed the truth about this smuggling case."

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