Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

510: Were You Really At Home That Night?

"Yes," Li Wan said, "we are doing well.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and let go of the heavy burden in his heart. "This smuggling case is finally over and we can have a good rest," he said.

They sat in the office, admiring the night outside the window, enjoying this rare moment of tranquility. The cracking of this smuggling case is not only a victory in work, but also their persistence in the "230" of justice and truth.

Qi Lin sat on the chair in the office, facing the case documents on the table, and sighed deeply. He once again faced a difficult love murder case [this time the case seemed more complicated and confusing.

"Qi Lin, what do you think?" Li Luo, his old partner beside him, asked him.

"This case is not simple. Judging from the superficial clues, this is a typical murder case. But I feel that there seems to be something hidden behind it." Qi Lin replied.

"Oh? Tell me what you think." Li Luo became interested.

"First of all, the victim was a woman who was found dead at home. Judging from the situation at the scene, she was obviously strangled to death. The suspect was her lover, which can be seen from their communication records. But the problem is that the suspect claimed that he was at home that night and had an alibi. Moreover, his statement seemed impeccable," Qi Lin analyzed.

"Isn't that a conviction? The lover killed the victim for some reason and then created an alibi." Li Luo said.

"But this is what I find strange. This alibi is too perfect, too perfect to be true. You know, I have always believed that when a person lies, there will always be some flaws. But this time, I No flaws were found." Qi Lin said with a frown.

"Then what do you think we should do? We don't have a clue right now." Li Luo asked.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then replied: "I need to talk to the suspect and see his reaction. At the same time, I want to further investigate the victim's social relationships to see if there are any other possible suspects."

In the next few days, Qi Lin began a difficult investigation. He first found the suspect, a handsome man with a cold look in his eyes.

"I know why you are looking for me, but I can tell you that I did not kill her... I love her, how could I kill her?" the man said excitedly.

Qi Lin looked at him calmly: "So, were you really at home that night?"

"Yes, I am alone at home. No one can prove it. But you can check my phone records. I have not made any calls or received any calls." The man replied.

Qi Lin nodded. He didn't completely believe this man, but his words seemed to be impeccable.

Then, Qi Lin began to investigate the victim's social relationships. He found that the victim was a cheerful woman with many friends, but most of them were ordinary friends with no obvious grudges.

However, just when Qi Er.7lin felt that he was nowhere to be found, a detail caught his attention. In the victim's address book, there is a number that appears frequently, but the name Shin is hidden by the victim in some way.

Qi Lin decided to follow this clue to investigate. After some twists and turns, he finally found the owner of that number, who turned out to be a woman who had a brief relationship with the victim.

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