"It's her, it must be her!" When Qi Lin told Li Luo the news, he said excitedly, "Only a woman can create an alibi so perfectly, because she took advantage of the victim's trust and made the victim herself Proof was given to her.

Facts have proved that Qi Lin's guess was correct. The woman accidentally killed the victim during an emotional argument and then used the victim's cell phone to create a perfect alibi. She thought her plan was perfect, but in the end Qi Lin saw through it.

The case was successfully solved, and Qi Lin once again demonstrated his detective skills. He sighed deeply: "There are no perfect crimes in this world, only clues that have not yet been discovered."

Facing the neon lights outside the window, his eyes were deep and sharp. He has just solved a commercial espionage case [is reviewing the details of the case at the moment.

Sitting on the seat opposite is the victim of this case, Li Jie, the CEO of a large multinational company. He looked tired, and his eyes revealed deep gratitude, "Detective Qi, I really don't know how to thank you. If it weren't for you, our company's core secrets might have fallen into the hands of our competitors."

Qi Lin smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Li, this is what I should do. As a detective, my duty is to protect the safety of citizens and businesses."

Li Jie sighed, "I always thought that our safety protection measures were very good, but I didn't expect that someone still took advantage of the loophole. I want to know how we were breached?"

Qi Lin replied: "Mr. Li, the spy in this case used very sophisticated tactics. He first approached your company's employees through social media, used psychological tactics to gain their trust, and then gradually obtained internal confidential information. This This incident has also sounded the alarm. We need to pay more attention to network security protection and employee training.

Li Jie was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then nodded vigorously, "I understand, Detective Qi. So, what should we do now?"

Qi Lin's eyes became firm, "Now, we need to announce this matter to the outside world to let everyone know your company's position and determination. At the same time, we must also strengthen internal security measures to prevent similar incidents from happening again."

Li Jie cheered up after hearing this, "I understand, Detective Qi. Thank you very much for your help. I will adopt your suggestion immediately."

In the next few days, Qi Lin helped Li Jie's company conduct a comprehensive security upgrade and strengthened employee security awareness training. Under Qi Lin's guidance, the company gradually emerged from the shadow of the espionage case and regained its confidence.

A week later, Qi Lin was sitting on the sofa in the office again, with the neon light 650 outside the window still flashing. This time the customer is a middle-aged man wearing a suit and leather shoes. He is Zhang Qiang, the CEO of another large company.

"Detective Qi, I heard that you recently handled a commercial espionage case?" Zhang Qiang said straight to the point.

Qi Lin nodded, "Yes, that case is over."

Zhang Qiang frowned, I suspect our company also has commercial espionage activities. I hope you can help us find this mole. "

Qi Lin did not show any surprise after hearing this. He gave Zhang Qiang a deep look and said, "I can accept this case, but I need you to provide all possible clues and information.

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