Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

515: The Poisoning Method Is Very Clever

The next day, Qi Lin walked into the office of suspect Zhao. Zhao is a well-known jeweler whose jewelry store was ransacked in a recent theft.

"Detective Qi, I really don't know what's going on," Zhao said with a sad face, "I'm innocent, I swear."

"Mr. Zhao, I understand your position," Qi Lin said calmly, "but the evidence shows that the jewelry store's anti-theft system was turned off after you left "283", but you are the only one who has the authority to turn it off. people."

Zhao's face turned pale: "I...I did go to the jewelry store that night, but I really didn't steal the jewelry! I just went to pick up a watch I forgot.

Qi Lin stared at him: "So, can you explain why your watch appeared on the black market together with the stolen jewelry from the jewelry store?"

Zhao was speechless.

In the next few days, Qi Lin investigated intensively, sorted out Zhao's financial situation, discovered the testimony of jewelry store employees, and even unearthed some unknown secrets from Zhao's past. All the evidence points to one fact - Zhao is the mastermind behind the theft.

"Detective Qi, I...I have nothing to say." Facing the irrefutable facts, Zhao lowered his head in frustration, "I did it. I owed a huge debt because of gambling, and I have nothing to say." There is no way to go, so we have no choice but to take this next step."

Qi Lin looked at the once-famous jeweler in front of him with mixed feelings in his heart: "You should have sought help earlier instead of embarking on the road of crime."

Zhao nodded silently, his eyes full of guilt and guilt.

"What should I do now?" Zhao asked helplessly.

"You need to accept the sanction of the law," Qi Lin said firmly, "but I hope you can cooperate with us and try to remedy your mistakes as much as possible, such as helping us recover the stolen jewelry and repay your debt.

Zhao nodded, knowing that this was the only way he could make up for it.

In the next few months, Qi Lin supervised Zhao to complete all this. The stolen jewelry was recovered, and Zhao's debt was paid off. As for Zhao, he accepted the sanction of the law, but also started his new life.

Qi Lin was sitting on the chair in the office, tapping his fingers on the table, his eyes revealing a unique keenness... In front of him was the poisoning case file, with pages and pages of dense handwriting and clues. Wait for him to reveal them one by one.

"Qi Lin, what do you think?" Sitting across from him was the criminal police captain, his brows filled with doubts and expectations.

Qi Lin raised his head and smiled slightly, "Judging from the existing clues, this is a carefully planned poisoning case.'

The detective captain raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Tell me."

"First of all," Qi Lin pointed to a part of the file, "the victim has a special identity and is a well-known entrepreneur. He has many competitors, and they all have motives.

"We already know this." The detective captain interjected.

"Don't worry, listen to me." 2.1 Qi Lin raised a finger, "Secondly, the method of poisoning is very clever, and it is carried out through the food chain. This means that the murderer has a deep understanding of the victim's living habits and dietary preferences. understanding.”

The detective captain nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"Finally, and most importantly, the murderer did not leave any direct evidence. This shows that he has strong anti-investigation capabilities.

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